
defmodule Pow.Ecto.Schema.Password do
  @moduledoc """
  Simple wrapper for password hash and verification.

  The password hash format is based on [Pbkdf2](

  ## Configuration

  This module can be configured by setting the `Pow.Ecto.Schema.Password` key
  for the `:pow` app:

      config :pow, Pow.Ecto.Schema.Password,
        iterations: 100_000,
        length: 64,
        digest: :sha512,
        salt_length: 16

  For test environment it's recommended to set the iteration to 1:

      config :pow, Pow.Ecto.Schema.Password, iterations: 1
  alias Pow.Ecto.Schema.Password.Pbkdf2

  @doc """
  Generates an encoded PBKDF2 hash.

  By default this is a `PBKDF2-SHA512` hash with 100,000 iterations, with a
  random salt. The hash, salt, iterations and digest method will be part of
  the returned binary. The hash and salt are Base64 encoded.

  ## Options

    * `:iterations`  - defaults to 100_000;
    * `:length`      - a length in octets for the derived key. Defaults to 64;
    * `:digest`      - an hmac function to use as the pseudo-random function. Defaults to `:sha512`;
    * `:salt`        - a salt binary to use. Defaults to a randomly generated binary;
    * `:salt_length` - a length for the random salt binary. Defaults to 16;
  @spec pbkdf2_hash(binary(), Keyword.t() | nil) :: binary()
  def pbkdf2_hash(secret, opts \\ nil) do
    opts        = opts || Application.get_env(:pow, __MODULE__, [])
    iterations  = Keyword.get(opts, :iterations, 100_000)
    length      = Keyword.get(opts, :length, 64)
    digest      = Keyword.get(opts, :digest, :sha512)
    salt_length = Keyword.get(opts, :salt_length, 16)
    salt        = Keyword.get(opts, :salt, :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(salt_length))
    hash        = Pbkdf2.generate(secret, salt, iterations, length, digest)

    encode(digest, iterations, salt, hash)

  @doc """
  Verifies that the secret matches the encoded binary.

  A PBKDF2 hash will be generated from the secret with the same options as
  found in the encoded binary. The hash, salt, iterations and digest method
  is parsed from the encoded binary. The hash and salt decoded as Base64
  encoded binaries.

  ## Options

    * `:length` - a length in octets for the derived key. Defaults to 64;
  @spec pbkdf2_verify(binary(), binary(), Keyword.t()) :: boolean()
  def pbkdf2_verify(secret, secret_hash, opts \\ []) do
    |> decode()
    |> verify(secret, opts)

  defp encode(digest, iterations, salt, hash) do
    salt = Base.encode64(salt)
    hash = Base.encode64(hash)


  defp decode(hash) do
    case String.split(hash, "$", trim: true) do
      ["pbkdf2-" <> digest, iterations, salt, hash] ->
        {:ok, salt} = Base.decode64(salt)
        {:ok, hash} = Base.decode64(hash)
        digest      = String.to_existing_atom(digest)
        iterations  = String.to_integer(iterations)

        [digest, iterations, salt, hash]

      _ ->

  defp verify([digest, iterations, salt, hash], secret, opts) do
    length      = Keyword.get(opts, :length, 64)
    secret_hash = Pbkdf2.generate(secret, salt, iterations, length, digest), secret_hash)

  @spec raise_not_valid_password_hash!() :: no_return()
  defp raise_not_valid_password_hash!() do
    raise ArgumentError, "not a valid encoded password hash"