# Power Assert

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Power Assert for Elixir.

Example test is here:

test " should return the element at the given index" do
  array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; index = 2; two = 2
  assert array |> == two

And the result is like the following:

  1) test should return the element at the given index (PowerAssertTest)

     array |> == two
     |             |  |         |
     |             3  2         2
     [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Enjoy :muscle: !

## Dependencies

- ExUnit

## Installation

# add dependencies in mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:power_assert, "~> 0.0.7"}

# and fetch
$ mix deps.get

## How to use

# replace `use ExUnit.Case` into `use PowerAssert` in your test code

## before
defmodule YourAwesomeTest do
  use ExUnit.Case  # <-- **HERE**

## after
defmodule YourAwesomeTest do
  use PowerAssert  # <-- **REPLACED**

when ExUnit.CaseTemplate

# replace `use ExUnit.CaseTemplate` into `use PowerAssert.CaseTemplate` in your test code

## before
defmodule YourAwesomeTest do
  use ExUnit.CaseTemplate       # <-- **HERE**

## after
defmodule YourAwesomeTest do
  use PowerAssert.CaseTemplate  # <-- **REPLACED**

useful command to replace `use ExUnit.CaseTemplate` and `use ExUnit.Case`

$ git grep -l 'use ExUnit\.CaseTemplate' | xargs sed -i.bak -e 's/use ExUnit\.CaseTemplate/use PowerAssert.CaseTemplate/g'
$ git grep -l 'use ExUnit\.Case' | xargs sed -i.bak -e 's/use ExUnit\.Case/use PowerAssert/g'

## How to use other framework depending on ExUnit such as ExSpec

For instance ExSpec calls `use ExUnit` inside module, `assert` macro is already imported and conflicted with our `assert` macro.
So avoiding conflicted problem we provide the `:use_ex_unit` option:
If `:use_ex_unit` is set as `true`, `use PowerAssert` provides `power_assert` macro instead of `assert`. Also does not `use ExUnit.Case` inside module.
NOTE: This option is available experimentally.

defmodule ExSpecBasedTest do
  use ExSpec
  use PowerAssert, use_ex_unit: true    # use PowerAssert with :use_ex_unit option

  describe "describe" do
    it "it" do
      power_assert something == "hoge"  # `power_assert` macro is enabled

## API

assert(expression, message \\ nil)


- [x] `ExUnit.CaseTemplate` with `using function`
- [x] support `assert [one] = [two]`
  - currently rely on `ExUnit.Assertions.assert/1`
- and more we've not yet noticed

## Limitation

  - match expression ex: `assert List.first(x = [false])`
  - fn expression ex: `assert fn(x) -> x == 1 end.(2)`
  - :: expression ex: `<< x :: bitstring >>`
    - this means string interpolations also unsupported ex: `"#{x} hoge"`
  - sigil expression ex: `~w(hoge fuga)`
  - quote arguments ex: `assert quote(@opts, do: :hoge)`
  - case expression
  - get_and_update_in/2, put_in/2, update_in/2, for/1
  - <<>> expression includes attributes `<<@x, "y">>; <<x :: binary, "y">>`
  - `__MODULE__.Foo`
  - many macros maybe caught error...

## Resources

- [Power Assert Inside in Elixir](

## License

Distributed under the Apache 2 License.

Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) files for more information.