# PrimaOpentelemetryEx
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This is your one-stop source of all things opentelemetry in elixir.
You can stop getting headaches figuring out which opentelemetry_beam library you need or resolving dependencies conflicts.
Just add

    {:prima_opentelemetry_ex, "~> 0.1", github: "primait/prima_opentelemetry_ex"}

to your dependencies and you are good to go.

What's covered:
- HTTPoison - to trace the http calls you make to external system and to pass along the trace context
- Plug - to link your phoenix/plug handled requests with their http clients traces
- Absinthe - to trace your GraphQL resolutions in a single span
- Ecto - to trace your database transactions in a single span

## Usage

To start collecting traces just put

``` elixir
in your application start function.

To trace your outgoing http calls you need to use the `Telepoison` module as a drop-in replacement for `HTTPoison`.

``` elixir"", "{'example': 1}", %{"content-type" => "application/json"}, [timeout: 5_000])

For more informations see telepoison [usage](

To emit server spans (from plug) you need to add `Teleplug` to your plug pipeline either in your phoenix endpoint module or in every pipeline you want to trace (contained in your router module if you are using phoenix).

``` elixir
pipeline :example do
    plug Teleplug
    plug Plug.Logger

GraphQL and database spans are emitted automatically.

To see emitted traces on your local dev machine, you can use jaeger all-in-one [image](

NOTE: This is a discontinued jaeger image but it exposes the otel collector (that is compatible with the exporter `prima_opentelemetry_ex` uses).

To add it to your local docker compose simply add a service (which your web container should depend on):

``` yaml
    image: jaegertracing/opentelemetry-all-in-one:latest
      - 16686:16686

You can then use the jaeger [UI](http://localhost:16686/search) to search for your traces.

Be advised that `prima_opentelemetry_ex` uses ENV vars to set service name and version inside the exported traces. Those values are important, for example, to make datadog correctly recognize services and their relative deployments (through version tracking); the two ENV var currently used are:
- `APP_NAME` for service name
- `VERSION` for service version

These are supposed to be correctly set up inside prima containers in production; if you want to you can set them up for local development through docker-compose, for example:

``` yaml
    build: .
      - "~/.ssh:/home/app/.ssh"
      - "~/.aws:/home/app/.aws"
      - "~/.gitconfig:/home/app/.gitconfig"
      - .:$PWD
      - 230:4000
      - jaeger
    working_dir: $PWD
      VERSION: 0.0.0-dev
      - biscuit.env

## Configuration

### General

If you want to disable tracing via configuration (if you need to turn it off for a particular environment, for example) like so:

``` elixir
config :prima_opentelemetry_ex, :enabled, false

To configure the endpoint to send traces to, you can use the `:endpoint` configuration key to set protocol, host and port of the destination endpoint (agent or collector).
In this example you can see the default value for every configuration:

``` elixir
config :prima_opentelemetry_ex, :endpoint,
    protocol: :http,
    host: "jaeger",
    port: 55681

These values get used to build the configuration for the opentelemetry_exporter (through a batch processor). If you want to have a bit more freedom and set opentelemetry configuration by yourself feel free to do so, it won't get overwritten.
Example opentelemetry configuration:

``` elixir
config :opentelemetry, :processors,
  otel_batch_processor: %{
    exporter: {:opentelemetry_exporter, %{endpoints: [{:http, "jaeger", 55681, []}]}}

### GraphQL

You can change the default span name and choose which informations about your graphql you want traced; e.g.

``` elixir
config :prima_opentelemetry_ex, :graphql,
    span_name: "graphql resolution",
    trace_request_variables: false
All the `:graphql` configurations get passed directly to `OpentelemetryAbsinthe`. For more informations about what you can do with them, see opentelemetry_absinthe [readme](

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2020

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the [](./ file for more details.