# Prioqueue

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Prioqueue contains well-structured priority queues for Elixir:

- A single, public interface.
- Multiple implementations with difference performance properties. Decide the best one later on in your configuration settings, after building your application!

## Examples

iex> pqueue = (
iex> |> Prioqueue.insert(10)
iex> |> Prioqueue.insert(20)
iex> |> Prioqueue.insert(15)
iex> |> Prioqueue.insert(100)
iex> )
#Prioqueue.Implementations.SkewHeap<[10, 15, 20, 100]>
iex> Prioqueue.member?(pqueue, 20)
iex> {:ok, {item, pqueue_rest}} = Prioqueue.extract_min(pqueue)
iex> item
iex> pqueue_rest
#Prioqueue.Implementations.SkewHeap<[15, 20, 100]>

## Protocols

iex> pqueue = Enum.into([1, 2, 3, 10, 5, 2],
#Prioqueue.Implementations.SkewHeap<[1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 10]>
iex>, fn x -> x * 2 end)
[2, 4, 4, 6, 10, 20]

## Configuration settings

The behaviour of Prioqueue can be altered per call by passing options to `new`, or by writing down application-wide configuration options for the application `:prioqueue`:

- `:default_implementation`: The Priority Queue implementation to use.
- `:default_comparison_function`: The comparison function that should be used to keep the Priority Queue ordered.

## Available Implementations

Right now, in the pre-1.0 version, only `SkewHeap` (relatively efficient, amortized running time, simple implementation) is available.

Planned are:

- Pairing Heap (very efficient, amortized running time)
- Binomial Heap (quite efficient, real-time)

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `prioqueue` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:prioqueue, "~> 0.1.0"}

The docs can
be found at [](