# ProgressBar for Elixir

Text progress bars!

**Work in progress** with README-driven development. May not yet do what it says below.

Inspired by Jeff Felchner's [ruby-progressbar](

Do you have a use case not listed below? Please open an issue or pull request! This library is intended to be maximalist and unopinionated.

## Usage

    # Render progress from 1–100% with a 25 ms interval:
    Enum.each 1..100, fn (i) ->
      :timer.sleep 25

    # The progress bar works by redrawing the same output line.
    # So for any following output to end up below, we need to output a newline.

If you clone this repo, you can run some example scripts to see it in action:

    # See what's available.
    ls examples

    # Run an example.
    mix run examples/render.exs

## Installation

Add the dependency to your project's `mix.exs`:

``` elixir
defp deps do

Then fetch it:

mix deps.get

## Tests

mix test

## License

By Henrik Nyh 2015-09-19 under the MIT license.