# client for Erlang #

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[![GitHub Actions](](

[]( monitoring system and time series database client in Erlang.

![RabbitMQ Dashboard](

- IRC: #erlang on Freenode; 
- [Slack]( #prometheus channel - [Browser]( or App(slack://

## Integrations
- [Cowboy1/2 Exporters and Cowboy2 instrumenter](
- [ integration](
- [Ecto Instrumenter](
- [Elixir client](
- [Elixir plugs Instrumenters and Exporter](
- [Extatus - App to report metrics to Prometheus from Elixir GenServers](
- [Fuse plugin](
- [Inets HTTPD Exporter](
- [OS process info Collector]( (linux, freebsd, macos)
- [Phoenix Instrumenter](
- [RabbitMQ Exporter](

## Dashboards

- [Beam Dashboards](

## Blogs

- [Install, Monitor Erlang Releases in Kubernetes with Helm + Prometheus](
- [Monitoring Elixir apps in 2016: Prometheus and Grafana](
- [A Simple Erlang Application, with Prometheus](

## Erlang VM & OTP Collectors
- [Memory Collector](
- [Mnesia Collector](
- [Statistics Collector](
- [System Information Collector](

## Compatibility

### OTP versions
Version 3.x works on OTP18+. For older version (oldest tested is R16B03) please use
[3.x-pre18 branch](
3.x-pre18 will work on all OTP releases starting from R16B03 and its beam will recompile itself to accommodate.
For example, this branch is used by [RabbitMQ Exporter]( 3.6.x
that should be compatible with all versions starting from R16B03.

### Build tools
Rebar3 is supported.

## Example Console Session

Run shell with compiled and loaded app:

    $ rebar3 shell

Start prometheus app:


Register metrics:

prometheus_gauge:new([{name, pool_size}, {help, "MongoDB Connections pool size"}]),
prometheus_counter:new([{name, http_requests_total}, {help, "Http request count"}]).
prometheus_summary:new([{name, orders}, {help, "Track orders count/total sum"}]).
prometheus_histogram:new([{name, http_request_duration_milliseconds},
                               {labels, [method]},
                               {buckets, [100, 300, 500, 750, 1000]},
                               {help, "Http Request execution time"}]).

Use metrics:

prometheus_gauge:set(pool_size, 365),
prometheus_summary:observe(orders, 10).
prometheus_summary:observe(orders, 15).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 95).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 100).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 102).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 150).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 250).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 75).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 350).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 550).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [get], 950).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [post], 500),
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [post], 150).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [post], 450).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [post], 850).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [post], 750).
prometheus_histogram:observe(http_request_duration_milliseconds, [post], 1650).

Export metrics as text:



# TYPE http_requests_total counter
# HELP http_requests_total Http request count
http_requests_total 2
# TYPE pool_size gauge
# HELP pool_size MongoDB Connections pool size
pool_size 365
# TYPE orders summary
# HELP orders Track orders count/total sum
orders_count 4
orders_sum 50
# TYPE http_request_duration_milliseconds histogram
# HELP http_request_duration_milliseconds Http Request execution time
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="post",le="100"} 0
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="post",le="300"} 1
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="post",le="500"} 3
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="post",le="750"} 4
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="post",le="1000"} 5
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="post",le="+Inf"} 6
http_request_duration_milliseconds_count{method="post"} 6
http_request_duration_milliseconds_sum{method="post"} 4350
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="get",le="100"} 3
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="get",le="300"} 6
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="get",le="500"} 7
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="get",le="750"} 8
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="get",le="1000"} 9
http_request_duration_milliseconds_bucket{method="get",le="+Inf"} 9
http_request_duration_milliseconds_count{method="get"} 9
http_request_duration_milliseconds_sum{method="get"} 2622

## API

API can be grouped like this:

### Standard Metrics & Registry

- [`prometheus_counter`]( - counter metric, to track counts of events or running totals;
- [`prometheus_gauge`]( - gauge metric, to report instantaneous values;
- [`prometheus_histogram`]( - histogram metric, to track distributions of events;
- [`prometheus_summary`]( - summary metric, to track the size of events;
- [`prometheus_boolean`]( - boolean metric, to track the state of something;
- [`prometheus_registry`]( - working with Prometheus registries.

All metrics created via `new/1` or `declare/1`. The difference is that `new/1` actually wants metric to be
new and raises `{mf_already_exists, {Registry, Name}, Message}` error if it isn't.

Both `new/1` and `declare/1` accept options as [proplist](
Common options are:

- name - metric name, can be an atom or a string (required);
- help - metric help, string (required);
- labels - metric labels, label can be an atom or a string (default is []);
- registry - Prometheus registry for the metric, can be any term. (default is default)

Histogram also accepts `buckets` option. Please refer to respective modules docs for the more information.

### Exposition Formats

- [`prometheus_text_format`]( - renders metrics for a given registry (default is `default`) in text format;
- [`prometheus_protobuf_format`]( - renders metrics for a given registry (default is `default`) in protobuf v2 format.

### General Helpers

- [`prometheus_buckets`]( - linear or exponential bucket generators;
- [`prometheus_http`]( - helpers for HTTP instrumenters;
- [`prometheus_mnesia`]( - Mnesia instrumentation helpers.

### Advanced

You will need these modules only if you're writing a custom collector for an app/lib that can't be instrumented directly.

- [`prometheus_collector`]( - common interface for collectors;
- [`prometheus_format`]( - common interface for exposition formats;
- [`prometheus_model_helpers`]( - provides API for working with underlying Prometheus models.
You'll use that if you want to create a custom collector.

## Build

   $ rebar3 compile

## Configuration

Prometheus.erl supports standard Erlang app configuration.
- `collectors` - List of custom collectors modules to be registered automatically.
    Can be `all_loaded` in order to find all modules implementing the `prometheus_collector` behaviour.
    Supports an "alias" option `default`, which will append all default collectors implemented in this library.
    If undefined, the default collectors implemented in this library will be used.
- `instrumenters` - List of custom instrumenter modules to be registered automatically.
    Can be `all_loaded` in order to find all modules implementing the `prometheus_instrumenter` behaviour.
    If undefined, none will be loaded.
- `default_metrics` - List of metrics to be registered during app startup.
    Metric format: `{Type, Spec}` where `Type` is a metric type (counter, gauge, etc),
    `Spec` is a list to be passed to `Metric:declare/1`.
    Deprecated format `{Registry, Metric, Spec}` also supported.

## Collectors & Exporters Conventions

### Configuration

All 3d-party libraries should be configured via `prometheus` app env.

Exporters are responsible for maintaining scrape endpoint.
Exporters are usually tightly coupled with the web server and are singletons.
They should understand these keys:
 - `path` - url for scraping;
 - `format` - scrape format as module name i.e. `prometheus_text_format` or `prometheus_protobuf_format`.
Exporter-specific options should be under `<exporter_name>_exporter` for erlang or `<Exporter_name>Exporter` for Elixir i.e. `PlugsExporter` or `elli_exporter`

Collectors collect integration specific metrics i.e. ecto timings, process information and so on.
Their configuration should be under `<collector_name>_collector`for erlang or `<Collector_name>Collector` for Elixir i.e. `process_collector`, `EctoCollector` and so on.

### Naming

For Erlang: `prometheus_<name>_collector`/`prometheus_<name>_exporter`.

For Elixir: `Prometheus.<name>Collector`/`Prometheus.<name>Exporter`.