

# Terminal UI Library for Elixir

* [Motivation](#motivation)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
  * [Display text on the screen](#display-text-on-the-screen)
  * [Ask the user for input](#ask-the-user-for-input)
  * [Ask the user for a password](#ask-the-user-for-a-password)
  * [Ask the user for confirmation](#ask-the-user-for-confirmation)
  * [Custom confirmation choices](#custom-confirmation-choices)
  * [List of selections](#list-of-selections)
  * [Tables](#tables)
* [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage-with-subcommands)
* [Example Application](#example)

[![Run in Livebook](](

## Motivation

To create a really great development experience and API for Elixir developers that want to build commandline tools.

## Installation

Add `prompt` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:prompt, "~> 0.5"}

[Read the official documentation](

## Basic Usage
All of the following commands take a keyword list of options for things like text color and positioning.

### Display text on the screen
Prompt.display("Hello, world!")

### Ask the user for input
Useful for prompting the user to enter freeform text
Prompt.text("Enter info here")
Will display:
> Enter info here:
and wait for the user to enter text

### Ask the user for a password
When you need to hide the input that the user types
Prompt.password("Enter password")

### Ask the user for confirmation
Prompt.confirm("Are you sure?")
Will display:
> Are you sure? (Y/n):
and will allow the user to just press [enter] to confirm

If you'd prefer `n` to be the default pass the `default_answer` option
Prompt.confirm("Are you sure?", default_answer: :no)
Returns `:yes` or `:no` based on the answer

### Custom confirmation choices
Sometimes yes/no aren't the only choices a user can make, this method allows you to pass any choices as the confirmation.
Prompt.choice("Accept, Reload or Cancel", accept: "a", reload: "r", cancel: "c")
> Accept, Reload or Cancel (A/r/c):
Returns the key of the answer i.e `:accept`, `:reload` or `cancel` in this exammple

### List of selections
To show the user a list of options to select from

```elixir"Choose a protocol", ["file://", "ssh://", "ftp://"])
  [1] file://
  [2] ssh://
  [3] ftp://
> Choose a protocol [1-3]:
and returns a string of their choice

### Tables
To show a table of data
Prompt.table([["Hello", "from", "the", "terminal!"],["this", "is", "another", "row"]])
Will display
> +-------+------+---------+----------+
  | Hello | from | the     | terminal |
  | this  | is   | another | row      |

## Advanced Usage with Subcommands
To use the more advanced features, see the [official documentation](

## Example
For a complete example, take a look at [Slim - a cherry-picking tool](