defmodule PropertyTable do
|> String.split("<!-- MODULEDOC -->")
|> Enum.fetch!(1)
alias PropertyTable.Updater
@typedoc """
A table_id identifies a group of properties
@type table_id() :: atom()
@typedoc """
A property
Properties can be anything, but in order to be useful, they need to be
compatible with the `PropertyTable.Matcher` implementation.
In is common for this to be a string list (`[String.t()]`) since the default
`PropertyTable.Matcher` works with those.
@type property() :: any()
@typedoc """
A match pattern
Just like properties, these can be anything but they have to be compatible
with the `PropertyTable.Matcher` implementation.
The default is that patterns are string lists with the addition of wildcards
like `:_`.
@type pattern() :: any()
@typedoc """
A properties value
These can be whatever makes sense to the PropertyTable user. The only
constraint is that if you're using PropertyTable's persistence feature, it
needs to be possible to save and restore them. This means that pids and
references, for example, can't be used.
@type value() :: any()
@typedoc """
A property/value tuple
@type property_value() :: {property(), value()}
@typedoc """
PropertyTable configuration options
See `start_link/1` for usage.
@type options() :: [
name: table_id(),
properties: [property_value()],
tuple_events: boolean(),
matcher: module(),
persist_data_path: String.t(),
persist_interval: pos_integer(),
persist_max_snapshots: pos_integer(),
persist_compression: 0..9
@doc """
Start a PropertyTable's supervision tree
To create a PropertyTable for your application or library, add the following
`child_spec` to one of your supervision trees:
{PropertyTable, name: MyTableName}
The `:name` option is required. All calls to `PropertyTable` will need to
know it and the process will be registered under than name so be sure it's
Options for properties and events:
* `:properties` - a list of `{property, value}` tuples to initially populate
the `PropertyTable`
* `:matcher` - set the format for how properties and how they should be
matched for triggering events. See `PropertyTable.Matcher`.
* `:tuple_events` - set to `true` for change events to be in the old tuple
format. This is not recommended for new code and hopefully will be removed
in the future.
Options for persisting properties:
* `:persist_data_path` - set to a directory where PropertyTable will
persist the contents of the table to disk, snapshots will also be stored here.
* `:persist_interval` - if set PropertyTable will persist the contents of
tables to disk in intervals of the provided value (in milliseconds) automatically.
* `:persist_max_snapshots` - Maximum number of manual snapshots to keep on disk before they
are replaced - (oldest snapshots are replaced first.) Defaults to 25.
* `:persist_compression` - `0..9` range to compress the terms when written to disk, see `:erlang.term_to_binary/2`. Defaults to 6.
> #### Important {: .info}
> Setting `:persist_data_path` enables persistence. On initialization, if
> PropertyTable is able to load a snapshot, the data in the snapshot is used
> instead of the `:properties` option.
@spec start_link(options()) :: Supervisor.on_start()
def start_link(options) do
name =
case Keyword.fetch(options, :name) do
{:ok, name} when is_atom(name) ->
{:ok, other} ->
raise ArgumentError, "expected :name to be an atom, got: #{inspect(other)}"
:error ->
raise ArgumentError, "expected :name option to be present"
tuple_events = Keyword.get(options, :tuple_events, false)
unless is_boolean(tuple_events) do
raise ArgumentError, "expected :tuple_events to be boolean, got: #{inspect(tuple_events)}"
matcher = Keyword.get(options, :matcher, PropertyTable.Matcher.StringPath)
unless is_atom(matcher) do
raise ArgumentError, "expected :matcher to be module, got: #{inspect(matcher)}"
properties = Keyword.get(options, :properties, [])
unless Enum.all?(properties, fn {k, _} -> matcher.check_property(k) == :ok end) do
raise ArgumentError,
"expected :properties to contain valid properties, got: #{inspect(properties)}"
persistence_options = maybe_get_persistence_options(options)
table: name,
properties: properties,
tuple_events: tuple_events,
matcher: matcher,
persistence_options: persistence_options
name: name
@doc """
Returns a specification to start a property_table under a supervisor.
See `Supervisor`.
@spec child_spec(options()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()
def child_spec(options) do
id: Keyword.get(options, :name, PropertyTable),
start: {PropertyTable, :start_link, [options]},
type: :supervisor
@doc """
Subscribe to receive events
@spec subscribe(table_id(), pattern()) :: :ok
def subscribe(table, pattern) do
registry = PropertyTable.Supervisor.registry_name(table)
{:ok, matcher} = Registry.meta(registry, :matcher)
case matcher.check_pattern(pattern) do
:ok ->
{:ok, _} = Registry.register(registry, :subscriptions, pattern)
{:error, error} ->
raise error
@doc """
Stop subscribing to a property
@spec unsubscribe(table_id(), pattern()) :: :ok
def unsubscribe(table, pattern) do
registry = PropertyTable.Supervisor.registry_name(table)
Registry.unregister_match(registry, :subscriptions, pattern)
@doc """
Get the current value of a property
@spec get(table_id(), property(), value()) :: value()
def get(table, property, default \\ nil) do
case :ets.lookup(table, property) do
[{_property, value, _timestamp}] -> value
[] -> default
@doc """
Fetch a property with the time that it was set
Timestamps come from `System.monotonic_time()`
@spec fetch_with_timestamp(table_id(), property()) :: {:ok, value(), integer()} | :error
def fetch_with_timestamp(table, property) do
case :ets.lookup(table, property) do
[{_property, value, timestamp}] -> {:ok, value, timestamp}
[] -> :error
@doc """
Get all properties
This function might return a really long list so it's mainly intended for
debug or convenience when you know that the table only contains a few
@spec get_all(table_id()) :: [{property(), value()}]
def get_all(table) do
fn {property, value, _timestamp}, acc -> [{property, value} | acc] end,
@doc """
Get a list of all properties matching the specified property pattern
@spec match(table_id(), pattern()) :: [{property(), value()}]
def match(table, pattern) do
registry = PropertyTable.Supervisor.registry_name(table)
{:ok, matcher} = Registry.meta(registry, :matcher)
fn {property, value, _timestamp}, acc ->
if matcher.matches?(pattern, property) do
[{property, value} | acc]
@doc """
Update a property and notify listeners
@spec put(table_id(), property(), value()) :: :ok
defdelegate put(table, property, value), to: Updater
@doc """
Update many properties
This is similar to calling `put/3` several times in a row, but atomically. It is
also slightly more efficient when updating more than one property.
@spec put_many(table_id(), [{property(), value()}]) :: :ok
defdelegate put_many(table, properties), to: Updater
@doc """
Delete the specified property
@spec delete(table_id(), property()) :: :ok
defdelegate delete(table, property), to: Updater
@doc """
Delete all properties that match a pattern
@spec delete_matches(table_id(), pattern()) :: :ok
defdelegate delete_matches(table, pattern), to: Updater
@doc """
Take a snapshot of the property table
If persistence is enabled for this property table, save the current state
and copy a snapshot of it into the `/snapshots` sub-directory of the set
data directory.
This returns an ID for the snapshot that can be passed `restore_snapshot/2`.
@spec snapshot(table_id()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | :noop
defdelegate snapshot(table), to: Updater
@doc """
Write any changes to disk
If persistence is enabled for this property table, save the current state to
disk immediately. The table is already written every `:persist_interval`, but
this is avoid waiting after important changes.
@spec flush_to_disk(table_id()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}
defdelegate flush_to_disk(table), to: Updater
@doc """
Return available snapshot IDs
This scans the `snapshots` directory and returns a list of tuples containing
snapshot IDs and their full name.
@spec get_snapshots(table_id()) :: [{String.t(), String.t()}]
defdelegate get_snapshots(table), to: Updater
@doc """
Restart a previously saved snapshot
If persistence is enabled for this property table, restore the current state
of the PropertyTable to that of a past named snapshot
@spec restore_snapshot(table_id(), String.t()) :: :ok | :noop
defdelegate restore_snapshot(table, snapshot_name), to: Updater
defp maybe_get_persistence_options(options) do
if Keyword.has_key?(options, :persist_data_path) do
table_name = Keyword.get(options, :name) |> Atom.to_string()
# Set persistence options, and clean out any nil values
# they will be filled with defaults in `PropertyTable.Persist`
data_directory: Keyword.get(options, :persist_data_path),
table_name: table_name,
interval: Keyword.get(options, :persist_interval),
max_snapshots: Keyword.get(options, :persist_max_snapshots),
compression: Keyword.get(options, :persist_compression)
|> Enum.filter(fn {_, v} -> v != nil end)
# :persist_data_path must be set for any of the other options to be respected
# no persistence will be configured