# Protox

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Protox is a native Elixir library to work with Google's Protocol Buffers (version 2 and 3).

# Conformance

This library has been tested using the conformance checker provided by Google. More information at

# Prerequisites

Protox uses Google `protoc` (>= 3.0) to parse `.proto` files. It must be available in `$PATH`. This dependency is only required at compile time.
You can get it [here](

# Usage

## From Files

defmodule Foo do
  @external_resource "./defs/foo.proto"
  @external_resource "./defs/bar.proto"
  @external_resource "./defs/baz/fiz.proto"

  use Protox, files: [

## From a Textual Description

defmodule Bar do
  use Protox, schema: """
  syntax = "proto3";

  package fiz;

  message Baz {

  message Foo {
    int32 a = 1;
    map<int32, Baz> b = 2;

The previous example generates two modules: `Fiz.Baz` and `Fiz.Foo`.

## Working With Namespaces

It is possible to prepend a namespace to all generated modules:

defmodule Bar do
  use Protox, schema: """
    syntax = "proto3";

    enum Enum {
        FOO = 0;
        BAR = 1;
    namespace: Namespace

In this case, the module `Namespace.Enum` is generated.

## Specify import path

An import path can be specified using the `path:` option:

defmodule Baz do
  @external_resource "./defs/prefix/foo.proto"
  @external_resource "./defs/prefix/bar/bar.proto"

  use Protox,
    files: [
    path: "./defs"

It corresponds to the `-I` option of `protoc`.

## Encode

iex> %Fiz.Foo{a: 3, b: %{1 => %Fiz.Baz{}}} |> Protox.Encode.encode()
[[[], "\b", <<3>>], <<18>>, <<4>>, "\b", <<1>>, <<18>>, <<0>>]

Note that `Protox.Encode.encode/1` returns an IO list, not a binary. Such IO lists can be used
directly with files or sockets write operations.
However, you can use `:binary.list_to_bin/1` to get a binary:

iex> %Fiz.Foo{a: 3, b: %{1 => %Fiz.Baz{}}} |> Protox.Encode.encode() |> :binary.list_to_bin()
<<8, 3, 18, 4, 8, 1, 18, 0>>

## Decode

iex> <<8, 3, 18, 4, 8, 1, 18, 0>> |> Fiz.Foo.decode()
 %Fiz.Foo{__uf__: [], a: 3,
  b: %{1 => %Fiz.Baz{__uf__: []}}}}

The `__uf__` field is explained in the section [Unknown fields](

# Unknown Fields

If any unknown field is encountered when decoding, it is kept in the decoded message.
It is possible to access them with the function `get_unknown_fields/1` defined with the message.

iex> msg = <<8, 42, 42, 4, 121, 97, 121, 101, 136, 241, 4, 83>> |> Msg.decode!()
%Msg{a: 42, b: "", z: -42, __uf__: [{5, 2, <<121, 97, 121, 101>>}]}

iex> msg |> Msg.get_unknown_fields()
[{5, 2, <<121, 97, 121, 101>>}]

You must always use `get_unknown_fields/1` as the name of the field
(e.g. `__uf__`) is generated at compile time to avoid collision with the actual
fields of the Protobuf message.

This function returns a list of tuples `{tag, wire_type, bytes}`.

# Unsupported Features

* Protobuf 3 JSON mapping
* groups
* rpc

Furthermore, all options other than `packed` and `default` are ignored.

# Implementation Choices

* Required fields (Protobuf 2): an error is raised when decoding a message with a missing required

* When decoding enum aliases, the last encountered constant is used.
  For instance, in the following example, `:BAR` is always used if the value `1` is read
  on the wire.
  enum E {
    option allow_alias = true;
    FOO = 0;
    BAZ = 1;
    BAR = 1;

* Unset optionals
  * For Protobuf 2, unset optional fields are mapped to `nil`.
  * For Protobuf 3, unset optional fields are mapped to their default values, as mandated by
    the Protobuf spec.

* Messages and enums names: non camel case names are converted using the
  [`Macro.camelize/1`]( function.
  Thus, in the following example, `non_camel` becomes `NonCamel`.
  syntax = "proto3";

  message non_camel {

  message Camel {
    non_camel x = 1;

# Types Mapping

The following table shows how Protobuf types are mapped to Elixir ones.

Protobuf   | Elixir
int32      | integer()
int64      | integer()
uint32     | integer()
uint64     | integer()
sint32     | integer()
sint64     | integer()
fixed32    | integer()
fixed64    | integer()
sfixed32   | integer()
sfixed64   | integer()
float      | float(), :infinity, :'-infinity', :nan
double     | float(), :infinity, :'-infinity', :nan
bool       | boolean()
string     | String.t
bytes      | binary()
map        | %{}
oneof      | {:field, value}
enum       | atom()
message    | struct()

# Credits

Both [gpb]( and
[exprotobuf]( were very useful in
understanding how to implement Protocol Buffers.