# PryIn

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[PryIn]( is a performance metrics platform for your Phoenix application.

## Installation

  1. Sign up for a [PryIn]( account and create a new project there.
  2. Add `pryin` to your dependencies and applications list in `mix.exs`:

def applications do
  [..., :pryin]
def deps do
  [{:pryin, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  3. Add general configuration for the pryin app in `config/config.exs`:

config :pryin,
  otp_app: :my_app,
  api_key: "your_secret_api_key",
  enabled: false,
  env: :dev

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  loggers: [PryIn.EctoLogger, Ecto.LogEntry]

config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
  instrumenters: [PryIn.Instrumenter]

  4. Enable PryIn in the environments you want to collect metrics for.
    If you want to collect data for the production environment, for example,
    add the following to `config/prod.exs`:

config :pryin,
  enabled: true,
  env: :prod

  Possible values for `env` are `:dev`, `:staging` or `:prod`.

  5. Add the PryIn plug to your application's endpoint (`lib/my_app/endpoint.ex`) just before the router plug:

plug PryIn.Plug
plug MyApp.Router

  6. If you want to measure the runtime of custom code, wrap it in an instrumented function.
    To track how long calls to the Foobar Api take, for example, do the following:

defmodule MyApp.MyModule do
  require MyApp.Endpoint

  def my_function() do
    MyApp.Endpoint.instrument(:pryin, %{key: "foobar_api_call"}, fn ->


  After this, Foobar Api call will be tracked under the key `foobar_api_call`.
  Note that you need to `require` your endpoint before invoking the `instrument` macro.