# Puid
Simple, fast, flexible and efficient generation of probably unique identifiers (`puid`, aka random strings) of intuitively specified entropy using pre-defined or custom characters.
iex> defmodule(RandId, do: use(Puid, chars: :alpha, total: 1.0e5, risk: 1.0e12))
iex> RandId.generate()
[![Hex Version](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/puid.svg "Hex Version")](https://hex.pm/packages/puid) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/express.svg)]()
## <a name="TOC"></a>TOC
- [Overview](#Overview)
- [Usage](#Usage)
- [Installation](#Installation)
- [Module API](#ModuleAPI)
- [Characters](#Characters)
- [Comparisons](#Comparisons)
- [Common Solution](#Common_Solution)
- [gen_reference](#gen_reference)
- [misc_random](#misc_random)
- [nanoid](#nanoid)
- [Randomizer](#Randomizer)
- [rand_str](#rand_str)
- [SecureRandom](#SecureRandom)
- [ulid](#ulid)
## <a name="Overview"></a>Overview
A general overview of [PUID](https://github.com/puid/.github/blob/2381099d7f92bda47c35e8b5ae1085119f2a919c/profile/README.md) provides information relevant to all **PUID** implementations.
### <a name="Usage"></a>Usage
Creating a random ID generator using `Puid` is a simple as:
iex> defmodule(RandId, do: use(Puid))
iex> RandId.generate()
Using default parameters, `Puid` generates IDs suitable for use as session IDs. Options allow easy and complete control of all important facets of ID generation.
**Entropy Source**
`Puid` uses [:crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1](https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/crypto.html#strong_rand_bytes-1) as the default entropy source. The `rand_bytes` option can be used to specify any function of the form `(non_neg_integer) -> binary` as the source:
iex > defmodule(PrngPuid, do: use(Puid, rand_bytes: &:rand.bytes/1))
iex> PrngPuid.generate()
By default, `Puid` use the [RFC 4648](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5) file system & URL safe characters. The `chars` option can by used to specify any of 16 [pre-defined character sets](#Chars) or custom characters, including Unicode:
iex> defmodule(HexPuid, do: use(Puid, chars: :hex))
iex> HexPuid.generate()
iex> defmodule(DingoskyPuid, do: use(Puid, chars: "dingosky"))
iex> DingoskyPuid.generate()
iex> defmodule(DingoskyUnicodePuid, do: use(Puid, chars: "dîñgø$kyDÎÑGØßK¥", total: 2.5e6, risk: 1.0e15))
iex> DingoskyUnicodePuid.generate()
**Captured Entropy**
Generated IDs have 128-bit entropy by default. `Puid` provides a simple, intuitive way to specify ID randomness by declaring a `total` number of possible IDs with a specified `risk` of a repeat in that many IDs:
To generate up to _10 million_ random IDs with _1 in a trillion_ chance of repeat:
iex> defmodule(MyPuid, do: use(Puid, total: 10.0e6, risk: 1.0e15))
iex> MyPuid.generate()
The `bits` option can be used to directly specify an amount of ID randomness:
iex> defmodule(Token, do: use(Puid, bits: 256, chars: :hex_upper))
iex> Token.generate()
### <a name="Installation"></a>Installation
Add `puid` to `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps,
do: [
{:puid, "~> 2.1"}
Update dependencies
mix deps.get
### <a name="ModuleAPI"></a>Module API
`Puid` modules have two functions:
Generates a **`puid`**
Returns a `Puid.Info` structure consisting of
- Source characters
- Name of pre-defined `Puid.Chars` or `:custom`
- Entropy bits per character
- Total entropy bits
- May be larger than the specified `bits` since it is a multiple of the entropy bits per
- Entropy representation efficiency
- Ratio of the **`puid`** entropy to the bits required for **`puid`** string representation
- Entropy source function
- **`puid`** string length
### <a name="Characters"></a>Characters
There are 19 pre-defined character sets:
| Name | Characters |
| :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| :alpha | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
| :alpha_lower | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
| :alphanum | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 |
| :alphanum_lower | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 |
| :alphanum_upper | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 |
| :base16 | 0123456789ABCDEF |
| :base32_hex | 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv |
| :base32_hex_upper | 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV |
| :crockford32 | 0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ |
| :decimal | 0123456789 |
| :hex | 0123456789abcdef |
| :hex_upper | 0123456789ABCDEF |
| :safe_ascii | !#$%&()\*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^\_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{\|}~ |
| :safe32 | 2346789bdfghjmnpqrtBDFGHJLMNPQRT |
| :safe64 | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-\_ |
| :symbol | !#$%&()\*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^\_{\|}~ |
| :wordSafe32 | 23456789CFGHJMPQRVWXcfghjmpqrvwx |
Any `String` of up to 256 unique characters can be used for **`puid`** generation, with custom characters optimized in the same manner as the pre-defined character sets. The characters must be unique. This isn't strictly a technical requirement, **PUID** could handle duplicate characters, but the resulting randomness of the IDs is maximal when the characters are unique, so **PUID** enforces that restriction.
#### Description of non-obvious character sets
| Name | Description |
| :---------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------- |
| :base16 | https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648#section-8 |
| :base32 | https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648#section-6 |
| :base32_hex | Lowercase of :base32_hex_upper |
| :base32_hex_upper | https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648#section-7 |
| :crockford32 | https://www.crockford.com/base32.html |
| :safe_ascii | Printable ascii that does not require escape in String |
| :safe32 | Alpha and numbers picked to reduce chance of English words |
| :safe64 | https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648#section-5 |
| :wordSafe32 | Alpha and numbers picked to reduce chance of English words |
Note: :safe32 and :wordSafe32 are two different strategies for the same goal.
## <a name="Comparisons"></a>Comparisons
As described in the [overview](https://github.com/puid/.github/blob/2381099d7f92bda47c35e8b5ae1085119f2a919c/profile/README.md), **PUID** aims to be a general, flexible mechanism for creating random string for use as random IDs. The following comparisons to other Elixir random ID generators is with respect to the issues of random ID generation described in that overview.
### <a name="Common_Solution"></a>[Common Solution](https://gist.github.com/dingosky/86328fc8b51d6b3037087ab1a8d14b4f#file-common_id-ex)
#### Comments
- Entropy source: Generating indexes via a PRNG is straightforward, though wasteful when compared to bit slicing. Generating indexes via a CSPRNG is not straightforward except for hex characters.
- Characters: Full control
- Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length
#### Timing
**PUID** is much faster.
Generate 100000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using alphanumeric characters
Common Solution (PRNG) : 4.977226
Puid (PRNG) : 0.831748
Common Solution (CSPRNG) : 8.435073
Puid (CSPRNG) : 0.958437
### <a name="misc_random"></a>[misc_random](https://github.com/gutschilla/elixir-helper-random)
#### Comments
- Entropy source: No control. Fixed to PRNG `:random.uniform/1`
- Characters: No control. Fixed to `:alphanum`
- Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length
#### Timing
Quite slow compared to **PUID**
Generate 50000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using alphanum characters
Misc.Random (PRNG) : 12.196646
Puid (PRNG) : 0.295741
Misc.Random (CSPRNG) : 11.9858
Puid (CSPRNG) : 0.310417
### <a name="nanoid"></a>[nanoid](https://github.com/railsmechanic/nanoid)
#### Comments:
- Entropy source: Limited control; choice of CSPRNG or PRNG
- Characters: Full control
- Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length
#### Timing:
**nanoid** is much slower than **PUID**
Generate 75000 random IDs with 126 bits of entropy using safe64 characters
Nanoid (CSPRNG) : 6.354221
Puid (CSPRNG) : 0.226448
Nanoid (PRNG) : 1.229842
Puid (PRNG) : 0.31025
Generate 75000 random IDs with 195 bits of entropy using alphanum characters
Nanoid (CSPRNG) : 10.295134
Puid (CSPRNG) : 0.809756
Nanoid (PRNG) : 1.678025
Puid (PRNG) : 0.808203
### <a name="Randomizer"></a>[Randomizer](https://github.com/jeremytregunna/randomizer)
#### Comments
- Entropy source: No control
- Characters: Limited to five pre-defined character sets
- Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length
#### Timing
Slower than **PUID**
Generate 100000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using alphanum characters
Randomizer (PRNG) : 1.201281
Puid (PRNG) : 0.829199
Randomizer (CSPRNG) : 4.329881
Puid (CSPRNG) : 0.807226
### <a name="SecureRandom"></a>[SecureRandom](https://github.com/patricksrobertson/secure_random.ex)
#### Comments
- Entropy source: No control. Fixed to `:crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1`
- Characters: Limited control for 3 specified use cases
- Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length
#### Timing
About the same as **PUID** when using CSPRNG
Generate 500000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using hex characters
SecureRandom (CSPRNG) : 1.19713
Puid (CSPRNG) : 1.187726
Generate 500000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using safe64 characters
SecureRandom (CSPRNG) : 2.103798
Puid (CSPRNG) : 1.806514
### <a name="ulid"></a>[ulid](https://github.com/ulid/spec)
#### Comments
- Entropy source: No control. Fixed to CSPRNG (per spec)
- Characters: No control. Fixed to :base32
- Captured entropy: 80-bits per timestamp context
A significant characteristic of **ulid** is the generation of lexicographically sortable IDs. This is not a goal for **PUID**; however, one could use **PUID** to generate such IDs by prefixing a timestamp to a generated **puid**. Such a solution would be similar to **ulid** while still providing full control to **entropy source**, **characters**, and **captured entropy** per timestamp context.
#### Timing
**ulid** and **PUID** are not directly comparable with regard to speed.
### <a name="UUID"></a>[UUID](https://github.com/zyro/elixir-uuid)
#### Comments
- Entropy source: No control. Fixed to `crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1`
- Character: No control. Furthermore, string representation is inefficient
- Capture entropy: No control. Fixed to 122 bits
#### Timing
Similar to **PUID** when using CSPRNG
Generate 500000 random IDs with 122 bits of entropy using hex
UUID : 1.925131
Puid hex : 1.823116
Generate 500000 random IDs with 122 bits of entropy using safe64
UUID : 1.751625
Puid safe64 : 1.367201