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# Pulserl 
#### An Apache Pulsar client for Erlang/Elixir
__Version:__ 0.1.0

Pulserl is an Erlang client for the Apache Pulsar Pub/Sub system with both producer and consumer implementations.
It requires version __2.0+__ of Apache Pulsar and __19.0+__ of Erlang 

## Quick Examples

The examples assume you have a running Pulsar broker at `localhost:6650`, a topic called `test-topic` (can be partitioned or not) and `rebar3` installed.

_Note: Pulserl uses `pulserl` and `Shared` as the default subscription name and type.
 So, if that subscription (not the consumer) under the topic `test-topic` does not exists, we make sure in this example to create it first by creating
 the consumer before producing any message to the topic._

Fetch, compile and start the erlang shell.
  git clone,
  cd pulserl
  rebar3 shell

In the Erlang shell
  rr(pulserl).  %% load the api records
  %% A demo function to log the value of consumed messages
  %% that will be produced blow.

  %% Asycnhrounous produce
  Promise = pulserl:produce("test-topic", "Asycn produce message").
  pulserl:await(Promise).  %% Wait broker ack
  #messageId{ledger_id = 172,entry_id = 7,
             topic = <<"persistent://public/default/test-topic">>,
             partition = -1,batch = undefined}

  %% Asycnhrounous produce. Response notification is via callback (fun/1)
  pulserl:produce("test-topic", "Hello", fun(Res) -> io:format("Response: ~p~n", [Res]) end).

  %% Synchronous produce
  pulserl:sync_produce("test-topic", "Sync produce message").
  #messageId{ledger_id = 176,entry_id = 11,
             topic = <<"persistent://public/default/test-topic">>,
             partition = -1,batch = undefined}


## Feature Matrix

 - [x] [Basic Producer](
 - [x] [Basic Consumer](
 - [x] [Partitioned topics](
 - [x] [Batching](
 - [ ] [Compression](
 - [x] [TLS](
 - [ ] [Authentication (token, tls)](
 - [ ] [Reader API](
 - [x] [Proxy Support (for Kubernetes)](
 - [x] [Effectively-Once](
 - [ ] [Schema](
 - [x] Consumer seek
 - [ ] [Multi-topics consumer](
 - [ ] [Topics regex consumer](
 - [ ] [Compacted topics](
 - [x] User defined properties producer/consumer
 - [ ] Reader hasMessageAvailable
 - [ ] [Hostname verification](
 - [ ] [Multi Hosts Service Url support](
 - [x] [Key_shared](
 - [ ] key based batcher (didn't find a documentation) ?
 - [x] [Negative Acknowledge](
 - [x] [Delayed Delivery Messages](
 - [x] [Dead Letter Policy](
 - [ ] [Interceptors](
 _Thank you [Sabudaye]( for this information_

## Overview


## Installation


## API Examples


## Contribute 

For issues, comments, recommendation or feedback please [do it here](

Contributions are highly welcome.
