# Pummpcomm

Pummpcomm is an Elixir library to handle communication with a Medtronic insulin pump via a serial link to a cc1110 chip running subg_rfspy. It is inspired by the work of Ben West's [decocare]( It can run commands, receive responses, and decode multipacket history and cgm data. Development discussion and questions are answered in the [Type 1 Diabetes + Elixir Discord server](

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## Why does this program exist?

Pummpcomm exists to support [Nerves APS](, an ambitious project to implement a closed loop using Elixir and Nerves.

## Goals of the project

* Support the subset of pump commands needed to support Nerves APS
* Serve as a reference for developers who need to understand how Medtronic pump communications work

## Supported commands

- [x] Read pump model
- [x] Read pump date and time
- [x] Fetch cgm
- [x] Fetch pump history

## Project structure

### High Level

The Monitor modules Pummpcomm.Monitor.BloodGlucoseMonitor and Pummpcomm.Monitor.HistoryMonitor provide a friendly interface into the CGM and Pump History fetch commands. Since data for blood glucose and general pump history come in chunks of binary events, this layer handles pulling the correct number of pages back to fetch x minutes of recent history in the respective pages. For example, if you want the last 20 minutes of CGM readings, calling Pummpcomm.Monitor.BloodGlucoseMonitor.get_sensor_values(20) will result in pulling as many pages of cgm history as needed to fulfill the request, and only entries from the requested timeframe will be returned.

### Mid Level

The pump session Pummpcomm.Session.Pump sits under the Monitor layer and provides a logical structure to model the packets, commands and responses needed to communicate with the insulin pump. Here you will find the functions to retrieve the model number, pull a single 1024 byte page of history or cgm data, or retrieve the date and time from the pump.

This is also the layer where page decoding happens. CGM and pump history comes in chunks of 1024 bytes, storing all the events that can be packed into that space. Pummpcomm.Cgm and Pummpcomm.History are the entry points for decoding those pages of data.

### Low Level

At the lowest level, Pummpcomm has a Pummpcomm.Driver.SubgRfspy driver layer that sits on top of nerves_uart and talks serial at 19200 baud to the cc1110 chip.

Pummpcomm currently supports communication with insulin pumps through the TI cc1110 chip. The chip needs to run the subg_rfspy firmware [subg_rfspy]( There are several hardware options available that come pre-loaded with the firmware, or you can reach out to someone in the Discord channel to learn more.

### Tests

Pummpcomm aims to be comprehensively tested at the feature and at the unit level. Because the code in this project interacts with people on a potentially physical level, safety is important. While there are no warranties or guarantees that come with using this code, it is critical that functions within the project are tested well. As a result, you'll see multiple layers of testing and all PRs should contain tests that describe for others the reason that the change is being implemented.