defmodule Pundit do
@moduledoc """
Pundit provides a set of helpers which guide you in leveraging regular Elixir methods to
build a simple authorization system. This library is based heavily on Jonas Nicklas'
[Ruby project of the same name](
Simple Elixir functions are defined for a given struct and allow you to encapsulate authentication logic. You can use
this code within a module that is an `Ecto.Schema`, but that's not necessary. The action names are taken from the list
of [actions defined by Phoenix controllers](
## Examples
Here's a basic example, starting with a simple struct for a `Post`. A module named `Post.Policy` should be created to
encapsulate all of the access methods (`Pundit` will automatically look for the `<struct module>.Policy` module
to determine the module name to look at for access methods).
To declare an initial set of access functions (`show?`, `edit?`, `delete?`, etc)
which all return `false` (default safe!), just `use` `Pundit.DefaultPolicy`. You can then override the functions as needed
with the logic necessary to determine whether a user should be able to perform the given action. In this example, we only
determine whether a user can `edit?` a post, leaving all other functions (like `delete?`) to return the default of `false`.
defmodule Post do
defstruct [:author, :title, :body, :comments]
defmodule Policy do
# This will initialize all the functions listed below, that all return false
# by default. Override them individually to return true when they should.
use Pundit.DefaultPolicy
def edit?(post, user) do ==
post = %Post{author: "Snake Plissken"}
author = %{name: "Snake Plissken"}
# next line is same as Pundit.can?(post, author, :edit?)
if Pundit.edit?(post, author) do
IO.puts("Can edit!")
if Pundit.delete?(post, author) do
IO.puts("This line should never be called")
# raise exception if user should be able to do a thing
Pundit.authorize!(post, author, :edit?)
## Scope
You can also provide query scope for a struct (say, if you're using `Ecto.Schema`) for a given user. For instance,
say our `Post` was an `Ecto` schema. Our function for scoping all `Post`s to a specific `User` could be to find all
`Post`s that were authored by a user. For instance:
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2]
defmodule Policy do
use Pundit.DefaultPolicy
def scope(query, user) do
from post in query,
where: post.author_id == ^
user = MyApp.Repo.get(User, 1)
posts = Pundit.scope(Post, user) |> Repo.all()
query = from p in Post, where: p.comment_count > 10
popular_posts = Pundit.scope(query, user) |> Repo.all()
alias Pundit.{NotAuthorizedError, NotDefinedError}
@doc """
Returns true only if the user should be allowed to see an index (list) of the given things.
@spec index?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term()) :: boolean()
def index?(thing, user) do
can?(thing, user, :index?)
@doc """
Returns true only if the user should be allowed to see the given thing.
@spec show?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term()) :: boolean()
def show?(thing, user) do
can?(thing, user, :show?)
@doc """
Returns true only if the user should be allowed to create a new kind of thing.
@spec create?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term()) :: boolean()
def create?(thing, user) do
can?(thing, user, :create?)
@doc """
Returns true only if the user should be allowed to see a form to create a new thing.
See [the page on Phoenix controllers]( for more details on the
purpose of this action.
@spec new?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term()) :: boolean()
def new?(thing, user) do
can?(thing, user, :new?)
@doc """
Returns true only if the user should be allowed to update the attributes of a thing.
@spec update?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term()) :: boolean()
def update?(thing, user) do
can?(thing, user, :update?)
@doc """
Returns true only if the user should be allowed to see a form for updating the thing.
See [the page on Phoenix controllers]( for more details on the
purpose of this action.
@spec edit?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term()) :: boolean()
def edit?(thing, user) do
can?(thing, user, :edit?)
@doc """
Returns true only if the user should be allowed to delete a thing.
@spec delete?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term()) :: boolean()
def delete?(thing, user) do
can?(thing, user, :delete?)
@doc """
Raise a `Pundit.NotAuthorizedError` exception unless the user can perform the action on the thing.
@spec authorize!(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term(), action :: atom()) :: boolean()
def authorize!(thing, user, action) do
case authorize(thing, user, action) do
{:ok} ->
{:error, msg} ->
raise NotAuthorizedError, message: msg
@doc """
Return a tuple based on whether a user can perform the action on the thing.
Returns `{:ok}` if a user can perform the action, or `{:error, message}` if not.
@spec authorize(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term(), action :: atom()) ::
{:ok} | {:error, String.t()}
def authorize(thing, user, action) do
if can?(thing, user, action) do
{:error, "User #{inspect(user)} cannot #{action} #{inspect(thing)}"}
@doc """
Determine if a use can perform an action on a given thing.
This will attempt to call a function with the same name as the action on the policy
module of the given thing. For instance:
Pundit.can?(post, user, :edit?)
is the same as:
Post.Policy.edit?(post, user)
@spec can?(thing :: struct() | module(), user :: term(), action :: atom()) :: boolean()
def can?(thing, user, action) do
module = thing |> get_module() |> Module.concat(Policy)
with {:module, _module} <- Code.ensure_compiled(module),
true <- Kernel.function_exported?(module, action, 2) do
apply(module, action, [thing, user])
_ -> raise NotDefinedError, message: "#{module}.#{action} is not defined."
@doc """
Scope a `Ecto.Query` or `Ecto.Schema` to a given user.
This will call the function `scope` on the policy module of the given thing. For instance:
Pundit.scope(Post, user)
is the same as:
Post.Policy.scope(Post, user)
Here's an example with a `Ecto.Query`:
query = from post in Post, where: post.comments > 10
# This call...
Pundit.scope(query, user)
# Is the same as...
Post.Policy.scope(query, user)
This is just helpful shorthand.
@spec scope(schema :: module() | Ecto.Query.t(), user :: term()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
def scope(%{__struct__: Ecto.Query, from: %{source: {_, schema}}} = query, user) do
|> Module.concat(Policy)
|> do_scope(query, user)
def scope(schema, user) when is_atom(schema) do
|> Module.concat(Policy)
|> do_scope(schema, user)
defp do_scope(module, query, user) do
with {:module, _module} <- Code.ensure_compiled(module),
true <- Kernel.function_exported?(module, :scope, 2) do
module.scope(query, user)
_ ->
raise NotDefinedError, message: "Function scope/2 not defined on #{module}"
defp get_module(thing) do
cond do
is_atom(thing) and Kernel.function_exported?(thing, :__info__, 1) ->
is_map(thing) and Map.has_key?(thing, :__struct__) ->
true ->
raise ArgumentError, message: "The first parameter should be a module or a struct"