# PuppeteerPdf
This is a wrapper to NodeJS module [puppeteer_pdf](https://www.npmjs.com/package/puppeteer-pdf). After some attempts to use wkhtmltopdf using [pdf_generator](https://github.com/gutschilla/elixir-pdf-generator), I've decided to use other software to generate PDF and create a wrapper for it.
## Puppeteer PDF vs wkhtmltopdf
### Disadvantage
* Bigger PDF file size.
* NodeJS 8+ needed
### Advantages
* Display independent render (for better testing how template will be).
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `puppeteer_pdf` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:puppeteer_pdf, "~> 1.0.1"}
## Use
### Initial
These are the options available right now:
options = [
margin_left: 40,
margin_right: 40,
margin_top: 40,
margin_bottom: 150,
format: "A4",
print_background: true,
header_template: header_html, # Support both file and html
footer_template: footer_html,
display_header_footer: true,
debug: true,
timeout: 10000 # value passed directly to Task.await/2. (Defaults to 5000)
And to generate the PDF you can use the following code using Phoenix Template:
# Get template rendered previously
html = Phoenix.View.render_to_string(
# Get full path to generated pdf file
pdf_path = Path.absname("invoice.pdf")
case PuppeteerPdf.Generate.from_string(html, pdf_path, options) do
{:ok, _} -> ...
{:error, message} -> ...
Or just with HTML file:
html_path = Path.absname("random.html")
case PuppeteerPdf.Generate.from_file(html_path, pdf_path, options) do
{:ok, _} -> ...
{:error, message} -> ...
### Using header and footer templates
You can defined an HTML header and footer, using the `header_template` and `footer_template` options.
To use a file, use the following format: `file:///home/user/file.html`.
Don't forget to also include `display_header_footer` to `true`.
### Configure execution path
In order to configure this setting:
config :puppeteer_pdf, exec_path: "/usr/local/bin/puppeteer-pdf"
Or you can use system environment variable:
export PUPPETEER_PDF_PATH=/usr/local/bin/puppeteer-pdf
For development purposes when working on this project, you can set the `PUPPETEER_PDF_PATH`
environment variable to point to the `puppeteer-pdf` executable. **Do not attempt to use this env
var to set the path in production. Instead, use the application configuration, above.**
### Continuous Integration
If you use CI
- nvm install 8
- npm i puppeteer-pdf -g