# PushEx
PushEx is an implementation of Phoenix websockets/channels which handles best practices of running websockets for you, but allows your business logic to be specified through simple behaviour modules.
PushEx is currently in a pre-release stage as requirements of full release are being met (tests, documentation, load testing).
## Key Links
- [Hexdocs.pm](https://hexdocs.pm/push_ex)
- [Pushex.js Github](https://github.com/pushex-project/pushex.js)
## Features
- Push socket/channel implementation
- Push API implementation
- Customizable hook points to allow authentication and instrumentation
- Designed for performance with a large number of connections and messages
- JS client built on top of Phoenix.js
## Get Started
The best way to get started is by following the [Standalone Installation Guide](https://hexdocs.pm/push_ex/standalone.html).
It is possible to integrate PushEx with an existing Phoenix application, although this is not recommended for appplications which are deployed often. The installation guide for this case is slated for the future. Please open an issue if you'd like it for your use case.
## Current Version
Add the following to your mix.exs `deps` in order to get the latest version of PushEx:
{:push_ex, "~> 0.2.0-rc1"},