# Pushest

Pushest is bidirectional Pusher client leveraging Elixir/OTP to combine server and client-side
Pusher features together in one library. Pushest communicates both via WebSockets and REST API.
You can trigger on any channel but also subscribe to channels, handle events using callbacks or
keep track of presence.

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Please note, this library is **BETA**

- [x] Event scoping
- [x] Presence
- [x] Unsubscribe method
- [x] Channels list method
- [x] Auth token generated only for private/presence channels
- [x] Missing tests
- [x] Handle `pusher:error`
- [x] Generate documentation
- [x] :gun.conn monitoring
- [x] start_link/3 - opts to Pushest
- [x] Named process option
- [x] Propagate app version to url
- [ ] Overall error handling
- [x] Publish to
- [x] Fallback to REST when triggering on a public channel
- [ ] Test recovery from :gun_down / EXIT
- [ ] expose `auth` function to generate a token for client-side libraries.
- [ ] trigger batching

## Usage
### A simple implementation in an OTP application would be:
# Add necessary pusher configuration to your application config:
# simple_client/config/config.exs
config :simple_client, SimpleClient,
  pusher_app_id: System.get_env("PUSHER_APP_ID"),
  pusher_key: System.get_env("PUSHER_APP_KEY"),
  pusher_secret: System.get_env("PUSHER_SECRET"),
  pusher_cluster: System.get_env("PUSHER_CLUSTER"),
  pusher_encrypted: true

# simple_client/simple_client.ex
defmodule SimpleClient do
  use Pushest, otp_app: :simple_client

  # Subscribe to these channels right after application startup.
  def init_channels do
      [name: "public-init-channel", user_data: %{}],
      [name: "private-init-channel", user_data: %{}],
      [name: "presence-init-channel", user_data: %{user_id: 123}],

  # handle_event/2 is user-defined callback which is triggered whenever an event
  # occurs on the channel.
  def handle_event({:ok, "public-init-channel", "some-event"}, frame) do
    # do something with public-init-channel frame

  def handle_event({:ok, "public-channel", "some-event"}, frame) do
    # do something with public-channel frame

  def handle_event({:ok, "private-channel", "some-other-event"}, frame) do
    # do something with private-channel frame
  # We can also catch errors.
  def handle_event({:error, msg}, frame) do
    # do something with error

# Now you can start your application with Pushest as a part of your supervision tree:
# simple_client/lib/simple_client/application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [
    {SimpleClient, []}

  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Sup.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

### You can also provide Pusher options directly via start_link/1 (without using OTP app configuration):
config = %{
  app_id:  System.get_env("PUSHER_APP_ID"),
  key: System.get_env("PUSHER_APP_KEY"),
  secret: System.get_env("PUSHER_SECRET"),
  cluster: System.get_env("PUSHER_CLUSTER"),
  encrypted: true

{:ok, pid} = SimpleClient.start_link(config)

### Now you can use various functions injected in your module
# => %{
"channels" => %{
  "presence-init-channel" => %{},
  "private-init-channel" => %{},
  "public-init-channel" => %{}
# ...
# ...
# ...
SimpleClient.subscribe("presence-channel", %{user_id: "1", user_info: %{name: "Tomas"}})
# ...
  count: 2,
  hash: %{"1" => %{"name" => "Tomas"}, "2" => %{"name" => "Jose"}},
  ids: ["1", "2"],
  me: %{user_id: "1", user_info: %{name: "Tomas"}}
# ...
SimpleClient.trigger("private-channel", "first-event", %{message: "Ahoj"})
# ...
["presence-channel", "private-channel", "public-channel",
 "presence-init-channel", "private-init-channel", "public-init-channel"]
# ...

### Functions list
#### subscribe/1
Subscribes to public or private channel

#### subscribe/2
Subscribes to private or presence channel with user data as second parameter.
User data has to contain `user_id` key with unique identifier for current user.
Can optionally contain `user_info` field with map of additional informations about user.
user_data = %{user_id: 123, user_info: %{name: "Tomas", email: ""}}
SimpleClient.subscribe("presence-channel", user_data)
# ...
SimpleClient.subscribe("private-channel", user_data)

#### trigger/3
Triggers on given channel and event with given data payload. Pushest sends data by
default to REST API endpoint of Pusher, however when subscribed to private or presence channel
it sends data to Pusher via WebSockets.
SimpleClient.trigger("public-channel", "event", %{message: "message"})
# ..
SimpleClient.trigger("private-channel", "event", %{message: "message"})

#### trigger/4
Same as `trigger/3` but lets you force trigger over the REST API (so it never triggers via WebSockets).
SimpleClient.trigger("private-channel", "event", %{message: "message"}, force_api: true)

#### channels/0
Returns map of all the active channels which are being used in your Pusher application.
Can contain informations about subscribed users.
%{"channels" => %{"public-channel" => %{}, "private-channel" => %{}}}

#### subscribed_channels/0
Returns list of all the subscribed channels for current instance.

#### presence/0
Returns information about all the users subscribed to a presence channel.
  count: 2,
  hash: %{"1" => %{"name" => "Tomas"}, "2" => %{"name" => "Jose"}},
  ids: ["1", "2"],
  me: %{user_id: "2", user_info: %{name: "Jose"}}

#### unsubscribe/1
Unsubscribes from given channel

### Overridable functions
These functions are meant to be overridden in a module using Pushest
#### handle_event/2
Callback being triggered when there is a WebSocket event on a subscribed channel.
defmodule MyApp.MyModule
  use Pushest, otp_app: :my_app

  def handle_event({:ok, "my-channel", "my-event"}, frame) do
    IO.inspect frame

#### init_channels/0
Subscribes to given list of channels right after application startup.
Each element has to be a keyword list in exact format of: `[name: String.t(), user_data: map]`
defmodule MyApp.MyModule
  use Pushest, otp_app: :my_app

  def init_channels do
      [name: "public-init-channel", user_data: %{}],
      [name: "private-init-channel", user_data: %{}],
      [name: "presence-init-channel", user_data: %{user_id: 123}],

#### `frame` example
`frame` is a `Pushest.Socket.Data.Frame` or `Pushest.Api.Data.Frame` struct with data payload as a map. 
  channel: "private-channel",
  data: %{"name" => "John", "message" => "Hello"},
  event: "second-event"

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `pushest` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:pushest, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Documentation

Documentation can be be found at [](