# Qdrantex

Client library and SDK for the [Qdrant]( vector search engine.

Library contains type definitions for all Qdrant API with gRPC.

## Quickstart

* Define your repo:

  defmodule MyApp.QdrantRepo do
    use Qdrantex,
    otp_app: :my_app

  or use default `Qdrantex.Repo`

* Add this repo to your supervision tree:

  defmodule MyApp.App do
    use Application

    # ...

    def start(_type, _args) do
      import Supervisor.Spec
      children = [
        # ...
      opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp]
      Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

* Make requests using protobuf messages with ``, enclosuring your parameters. 
  `&1` - is placeholder for gRPC connection, that `Repo` will substitute by itself:

  ```elixir, %Qdrantex.Qdrant.HealthCheckRequest{}))
  {:ok, %Qdrantex.Qdrant.HealthCheckReply{
    title: "qdrant - vector search engine",
    version: "1.2.3",
    commit: "acbcbabcdbcbcbdcbbacbdbcbbabcbdbcbabcbdb",
    __unknown_fields__: []

## Security

### API Key

Add api key as a parameter for your `Repo` in any suitable place:

import Config

config :my_app, MyApp.QdrantRepo
  auth_key: "your_secret_api_key_here"


  # somewhere in main supervisor
      children = [
        {MyApp.QdrantRepo, [api_key: "your_secret_api_key_here"]}
        # ...

### mTLS Configuration

Add ssl config to repo opts

import Config

config :my_app, MyApp.QdrantRepo
  ssl: [
    cacertfile: Path.expand("./ca.crt", :code.priv_dir(:myapp)), 
    certfile: Path.expand("./client.crt", :code.priv_dir(:myapp)), 
    keyfile: Path.expand("./client.key", :code.priv_dir(:myapp)),
    verify: :verify_peer,
    server_name_indication: 'myapp'

## Versions match

`MAJOR.MINOR` version for this library matches `MAJOR.MINOR` version of QDrant's protbuf

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `qdrantex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:qdrantex, "~> 1.8.0"}

The docs can be found at <>.