# Qex [](https://hex.pm/packages/qex) [](https://hexdocs.pm/qex/Qex.html)
A `:queue` wrapper with improvements in API and addition of Protocol implementations
### Protocols
`Inspect`, `Collectable` and `Enumerable` are implemented,
use Qex with `IO.inspect` and `Enum` functions!
### Function signatures
Parameters are re-ordered to better suit Elixir's awesome `|>`
## Installation
The package can be installed as:
1. Add `qex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:qex, "~> 0.5"}]
2. Run `mix deps.get`
## How to use
[Read the docs](https://hexdocs.pm/qex/Qex.html)
#### Protocols
iex> inspect Qex.new
iex> Enum.count Qex.new(1..5)
iex> Enum.empty? Qex.new
iex> Enum.map Qex.new([1, 2, 3]), &(&1 + 1)
[2, 3, 4]
iex> inspect Enum.into(1..5, %Qex{})
"#Qex<[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>"
#### Create a new queue from a range
iex> inspect Qex.new(1..3)
"#Qex<[1, 2, 3]>"
#### Create a new queue from a list
iex> inspect Qex.new([1, 2, 3])
"#Qex<[1, 2, 3]>"
#### Add an element to the back of the queue
iex> q = Qex.new([:mid])
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.push(q, :back)
[:mid, :back]
#### Add an element to the front of the queue
iex> q = Qex.new([:mid])
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.push_front(q, :front)
[:front, :mid]
#### Get and remove an element from the front of the queue
iex> q = Qex.new([:front, :mid])
iex> {{:value, item}, _q} = Qex.pop(q)
iex> item
iex> q = Qex.new
iex> {empty, _q} = Qex.pop(q)
iex> empty
#### Get and remove an element from the back of the queue
iex> q = Qex.new([:mid, :back])
iex> {{:value, item}, _q} = Qex.pop_back(q)
iex> item
iex> q = Qex.new
iex> {empty, _q} = Qex.pop_back(q)
iex> empty
#### Reverse a queue
iex> q = Qex.new(1..3)
iex> Enum.to_list q
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.reverse(q)
[3, 2, 1]
#### Split a queue into two, the front n items are put in the first queue
iex> q = Qex.new 1..5
iex> {q1, q2} = Qex.split(q, 3)
iex> Enum.to_list q1
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.to_list q2
[4, 5]
#### Join two queues together
iex> q1 = Qex.new 1..3
iex> q2 = Qex.new 4..5
iex> Enum.to_list Qex.join(q1, q2)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
## Why not "Queue"?
The name is taken... [Hex link](https://hex.pm/packages/queue)