# Qiitex

Simple Elixir wrapper for the [Qiita v2 API](

Based heavily on the [Tentacat]( libraries

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `qiitex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:qiitex, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Usage

iex> client = %{access_token: "enteryouraccesstoken"}
iex> Qiitex.Tags.list client
iex> Qiitex.Items.create client, %{title: "title", body: "body", tags: [%{name: "qiita"}]}

## Features

### Scope
- [ ] GET /api/v2/oauth/authorize

### Access token
- [ ] POST /api/v2/access_tokens
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/access_tokens/:access_token

### Authenticated user
- [x] GET /api/v2/authenticated_user

### Comment 
- [x] DELETE /api/v2/comments/:comment_id
- [x] GET /api/v2/comments/:comment_id
- [x] PATCH /api/v2/comments/:comment_id
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/comments/:comment_id/thank
- [ ] PUT /api/v2/comments/:comment_id/thank
- [x] GET /api/v2/items/:item_id/comments
- [x] POST /api/v2/items/:item_id/comments
### Emoji reaction
- [x] POST /api/v2/comments/:comment_id/reactions
- [x] POST /api/v2/items/:item_id/reactions
- [ ] POST /api/v2/projects/:project_id/reactions
- [x] DELETE /api/v2/comments/:comment_id/reactions/:reaction_name
- [x] DELETE /api/v2/items/:item_id/reactions/:reaction_name
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/projects/:project_id/reactions/:reaction_name
- [x] GET /api/v2/comments/:comment_id/reactions
- [x] GET /api/v2/items/:item_id/reactions
- [ ] GET /api/v2/projects/:project_id/reactions
### Expanded template
- [ ] POST /api/v2/expanded_templates
### Item
- [x] GET /api/v2/authenticated_user/items
- [x] GET /api/v2/items
- [x] POST /api/v2/items
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/items/:item_id
- [x] GET /api/v2/items/:item_id
- [x] PATCH /api/v2/items/:item_id
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/items/:item_id/like
- [ ] PUT /api/v2/items/:item_id/like
- [x] PUT /api/v2/items/:item_id/stock
- [x] DELETE /api/v2/items/:item_id/stock
- [x] GET /api/v2/items/:item_id/stock
- [ ] GET /api/v2/items/:item_id/like
- [x] PUT /api/v2/items/:item_id/stock
- [x] GET /api/v2/tags/:tag_id/items
- [x] GET /api/v2/users/:user_id/items
- [x] GET /api/v2/users/:user_id/stocks
### Like
- [ ] GET /api/v2/items/:item_id/likes
### Project
- [ ] GET /api/v2/projects
- [ ] POST /api/v2/projects
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/projects/:project_id
- [ ] GET /api/v2/projects/:project_id
- [ ] PATCH /api/v2/projects/:project_id
### Tag
- [x] GET /api/v2/tags
- [x] GET /api/v2/tags/:tag_id
- [x] GET /api/v2/users/:user_id/following_tags
- [x] DELETE /api/v2/tags/:tag_id/following
- [x] GET /api/v2/tags/:tag_id/following
- [x] PUT /api/v2/tags/:tag_id/following
### Tagging
- [ ] POST /api/v2/items/:item_id/taggings
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/items/:item_id/taggings/:tagging_id
### Team
- [ ] GET /api/v2/teams
### Template
- [ ] GET /api/v2/templates
- [ ] DELETE /api/v2/templates/:template_id
- [ ] GET /api/v2/templates/:template_id
- [ ] POST /api/v2/templates
- [ ] PATCH /api/v2/templates/:template_id
### User
- [x] GET /api/v2/items/:item_id/stockers
- [x] GET /api/v2/users
- [x] GET /api/v2/users/:user_id
- [x] GET /api/v2/users/:user_id/followees
- [x] GET /api/v2/users/:user_id/followers
- [x] DELETE /api/v2/users/:user_id/following
- [x] GET /api/v2/users/:user_id/following
- [x] PUT /api/v2/users/:user_id/following

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](