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`Qu` is an Elixir library that provides a single interface to four different types of
queues: FIFO, LIFO, circular, and priority.

## Usage

All of the queue types support the same operations: `Qu.put/2` to add an item, 
`Qu.pop/1` to remove the head, `Qu.peek/1` to view the head without removal, 
`Qu.pull/2` to remove multiple items, and `Qu.size/1` to get the number of 
items in the queue. These operations are demonstrated below. For more details
about the queue operations, see the documentation for each function.

To create and fill a FIFO queue with a maximum size of 3, use `` and
then apply `Qu.put/2` in a reduction:

fifo =, max_size: 3) 
#=> #FIFO<read: [], write: [], size: 0, max_size: 3>

fifo =
  Enum.reduce(["a", "b", "c"], fifo, fn item, q ->
    {:ok, q} = Qu.put(q, item)
#=> #FIFO<read: [], write: ["c", "b", "a"], size: 3, max_size: 3>

A priority queue expects items of the form `{priority_key, value}`. Here is
how to create and populate a priority queue where items are popped in 
ascending order of priority:

prio =, priority_order: :asc)

Enum.reduce([{1, "a"}, {2, "b"}, {3, "c"}], prio, fn item, q ->
  {:ok, q} = Qu.put(q, item)
#=> #Priority<heap: #PairingHeap<root: {1, "a"}, size: 3, mode: :min>, size: 3, max_size: nil>

For FIFO, LIFO, and priority queues, applying `Qu.put/2` to a full queue returns

```elixir, max_size: 0) |> Qu.put(fifo, "a")
#=> :error

An error is never returned when adding items to a circular queue, since the 
oldest item is discarded when inserting into a full circular queue. To preserve
the common interface, `Qu.put/2` still returns `{:ok, updated_queue}` for a
circular queue.

The head of the queue can be removed and returned with `Qu.pop/1`:

{:ok, fifo} = |> Qu.put("a")
#=> {:ok, "a", #FIFO<read: [], write: [], size: 0, max_size: nil>}

For all queue types, `Qu.pop/1` returns `:error` if the queue is empty:

```elixir, max_size: 0) |> Qu.pop()
#=> :error

The head can be viewed without modifying the queue using `Qu.peek/1`:

{:ok, fifo} = |> Qu.put("a")
#=> {:ok, "a"}

Similar to `Qu.pop/1`, `Qu.peek/1` will return `:error` if the queue is empty.

Use `Qu.pull/2` to remove and return multiple items:

fifo =, max_size: 3)

["a", "b", "c"]
|> Enum.reduce(fifo, fn item, q ->
  {:ok, q} = Qu.put(q, item)
|> Qu.pull(3)
#=> {["a", "b", "c"], #FIFO<read: [], write: [], size: 0, max_size: 3>}

Note that `Qu.pull/2` does not return `:error` if the queue is empty or if the
number of elements pulled is larger than the queue size.

For all of the queue types, `Qu.size/1` returns the current size of the queue:

{:ok, fifo} = |> Qu.put("a")
#=> 1

All of the queue types also implement the `Enumerable` and `Collectable` 
protocols, so that `Enum.reduce/3`, `Enum.to_list/1`, and `Enum.into/2` may
be used.

## Supported queue types

Listed below are the supported queue types, as well as notes about their
implementations and usage guidelines.

### FIFO

A first-in, first-out queue, in which the oldest item in the queue will 
be the next item removed. If the queue has a finite maximum size and is full,
the next insert will fail.

The implementation follows the 
[Erlang queue]( and uses separate read and
write lists to achieve `O(1)` amortized time for insert and delete operations.

### LIFO

A last-in, first-out queue, in which the item most recently added to the 
queue will be the next item removed. This is also known as a _stack_. If the 
queue has a finite maximum size and is full, the next insert will fail.

The implementation uses a single Elixir list and has `O(1)` time for both 
insert and delete operations.

### Circular

A circular queue is similar to a FIFO queue in that the oldest item in the 
queue will be the next item removed. However, when adding an item to a full 
circular queue, the oldest item will be discarded to preserve the fixed size. 
An insert in a full circular queue will always succeed.

The implementation borrows from the FIFO implementation, but has a modified
`pop/1` function to achieve the properties described above.

### Priority

In a priority queue, items are added as key-value pairs, where the key is a
sortable priority. Items are removed in priority order, either descending or 
ascending, depending on the configuration.

The implementation uses a heap, specifically a pairing heap 
(see the [`PairingHeap`]( 
Elixir library), which has `O(1)` insert time and `O(log n)` amortized deletion