# Quantity

A `Quantity` is an Elixir data structure that encapsulates values with units. This data structure can be used to carry values and units through calculations using the calculation functions in the Quantity library.

## Usage

#### Creating Quantities

A `Quantity` can be created in several ways, one is `Quantity.parse/1` or `Quantity.parse!/1`, which parses a Quantity from a string:

Quantity.parse("200.345 EUR")
# {:ok, ~Q[200.345 EUR]}

Quantity.parse!("200.345 EUR")
# ~Q[200.345 EUR]

The `Quantity` module also has `new/2` which creates a `Quantity` from a `Decimal.t()` and a `String.t()`:

```elixir"300.445"), "km")
# ~Q[300.445 km]

And lastly a `Quantity` can be created from a value, an exponent and a unit:

```elixir, -2, "seconds")
# ~Q[65.78 seconds]

#### The ~Q and ~d sigils

`Quantity` has a special `sigil_Q/2` sigil, as seen above. Quantities can be created using the `~Q` sigil, and they are printed as `~Q` when inspected.

import Quantity.Sigils, only: [sigil_Q: 2]

~Q[500 bananas]
# ~Q[500 bananas]

Additionally a `sigil_d/2` sigil is also present to easily create decimals:

import Quantity.Sigils, only: [sigil_d: 2]


#### Data structure

Underneath, a `Quantity` is simply a map consisting of `value` and `unit`, where `value` is a `Decimal.t()` and `unit` a `String.t()`:

~Q[99 problems] |> IO.inspect(structs: false)
  __struct__: Quantity,
  unit: "problems",
  value: %{__struct__: Decimal, coef: 99, exp: 0, sign: 1}

## Installation

The package is only available on GitHub at the moment, it can be added to `mix.exs` using:

def deps do
    # Add Quantity from GitHub
    {:quantity, git: "", tag: "0.1.0"}