# Quark: Common combinators for Elixir


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# Table of Contents
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Summary](#summary)
  - [Includes](#includes)
- [Functional Overview](#functional-overview)
  - [Curry](#curry)
    - [Functions](#functions)
    - [Macros](#macros-defcurry-and-defcurryp)
  - [Partial](#partial)
    - [Macros](##macros-defpartial-and-defpartialp)
  - [Pointfree](#pointfree)
  - [Compose](#compose)
  - [Common Combinators](#common-combinators)
    - [Classics](#classics)
      - [SKI System](#ski-system)
      - [BCKW System](#bckw-system)
      - [Fixed Point](#fixed-point)
    - [Sequence](#sequence)

# Quick Start


def deps do
  [{:quark, "~> 2.3"}]

defmodule MyModule do
  use Quark

  # ...

# Summary

[Elixir]( is a functional programming language,
but it lacks some of the common built-in constructs that many other functional
languages provide. This is not all-together surprising, as Elixir has a strong
focus on handling the complexities of concurrency and fault-tolerance, rather than
deeper functional composition of functions for reuse.

## Includes

- A series of classic combinators (SKI, BCKW, and fixed-points), along with friendlier aliases
- Fully-curried and partially applied functions
- Macros for defining curried and partially applied functions
- Composition helpers
  - Composition operator: `<|>`
- A plethora of common functional programming primitives, including:
  - `id`
  - `flip`
  - `const`
  - `pred`
  - `succ`
  - `fix`
  - `self_apply`

# Functional Overview

## Curry

### Functions
`curry` creates a 0-arity function that curries an existing function. `uncurry` applies arguments to curried functions, or if passed a function creates a function on pairs.

### Macros: `defcurry` and `defcurryp`
Why define the function before currying it? `defcurry` and `defcurryp` return
fully-curried 0-arity functions.


defmodule Foo do
  import Quark.Curry

  defcurry div(a, b), do: a / b
  defcurryp minus(a, b), do: a - b

# Regular
div(10, 2)
# => 5

# Curried
# => 2

# Partially applied
div_ten = div.(10)
# => 5


## Partial

:crown: We think that this is really the crowning jewel of `Quark`.
`defpartial` and `defpartialp` create all arities possible for the defined
function, bare, partially applied, and fully curried.
This does use up the full arity-space for that function name, however.

### Macros: `defpartial` and `defpartialp`


defmodule Foo do
  import Quark.Partial

  defpartial one(), do: 1
  defpartial minus(a, b, c), do: a - b - c
  defpartialp plus(a, b, c), do: a + b + c

# Normal zero-arity
# => 1

# Normal n-arity
minus(4, 2, 1)
# => 1

# Partially-applied first two arguments
minus(100, 5).(10)
# => 85

# Partially-applied first argument
# => 40

# Fully-curried
# => 7


## Pointfree
Allows defining functions as straight function composition (ie: no need to state the argument).
Provides a clean, composable named functions. Also doubles as an aliasing device.

defmodule Contrived do
  import Quark.Pointfree
  defx sum_plus_one, do: Enum.sum() |> fn x -> x + 1 end.()

#=> 7

## Compose
Compose functions to do convenient partial applications.
Versions for composing left-to-right and right-to-left are provided

The operator `<|>` is done "the math way" (right-to-left).
The operator `<~>` is done "the flow way" (left-to-right).

Versions on lists also available.

import Quark.Compose

# Regular Composition
sum_plus_one = fn x -> x + 1 end <|> &Enum.sum/1
#=> 7

add_one = &(&1 + 1)
piped = fn x -> x |> Enum.sum |> add_one.() end
composed = add_one <|> &Enum.sum/1
piped.([1,2,3]) == composed.([1,2,3])
#=> true

sum_plus_one = (&Enum.sum/1) <~> fn x -> x + 1 end
#=> 7

# Reverse Composition (same direction as pipe)
x200 = (&(&1 * 2)) <~> (&(&1 * 10)) <~> (&(&1 * 10))
#=> 1000

add_one = &(&1 + 1)
piped = fn x -> x |> Enum.sum() |> add_one.() end
composed = (&Enum.sum/1) <~> add_one
piped.([1,2,3]) == composed.([1,2,3])
#=> true

## Common Combinators
A number of basic, general functions, including `id`, `flip`, `const`, `pred`, `succ`, `fix`, and `self_apply`.

## Classics

### SKI System
The SKI system combinators. `s` and `k` alone can be combined to express any
algorithm, but not usually with much efficiency.

We've aliased the names at the top-level (`Quark`), so you can use `const`
rather than having to remember what `k` means.

 1 |> i()
#=> 1

"identity combinator" |> i()
#=> "identity combinator"

Enum.reduce([1,2,3], [42], &k/2)
#=> 3


### BCKW System
The classic `b`, `c`, `k`, and `w` combinators. A similar "full system" as SKI,
but with some some different functionality out of the box.

As usual, we've aliased the names at the top-level (`Quark`).

c(&div/2).(1, 2)
#=> 2

reverse_concat = c(&Enum.concat/2)
reverse_concat.([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
#=> [4,5,6,1,2,3]

repeat = w(&Enum.concat/2)
#=> [1,2,1,2]

### Fixed Point
Several fixed point combinators, for helping with recursion. Several formulations are provided,
but if in doubt, use `fix`. Fix is going to be kept as an alias to the most efficient
formulation at any given time, and thus reasonably future-proof.

fac = fn fac ->
    0 -> 0
    1 -> 1
    n -> n * fac.(n - 1)

factorial = y(fac)
#=> 362880

### Sequence
Really here for `pred` and `succ` on integers, by why stop there?
This works with any ordered collection via the `Quark.Sequence` protocol.

succ 10
#=> 11

42 |> origin() |> pred() |> pred()
#=> -2