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> Simple Background Job Processing in Elixir :zap:
Que is a job processing library backed by [`Mnesia`][mnesia], a distributed
real-time database that comes with Erlang / Elixir. That means it doesn't
depend on any external services like `Redis` for persisting job state. This
makes it really easy to use since you don't need to install anything other
than Que itself.
See the [Documentation][docs].
## Installation
Add `que` to your project dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:que, "~> 0.8.0"}]
and then add it to your list of `applications`:
def application do
[applications: [:que]]
### Mnesia Setup
Que runs out of the box, but by default all jobs are stored in-memory.
To persist jobs across application restarts, specify the DB path in
your `config.exs`:
config :mnesia, dir: 'mnesia/#{Mix.env}/#{node()}' # Notice the single quotes
And run the following mix task:
$ mix que.setup
This will create the Mnesia schema and job database for you. For a
detailed guide, see the [Mix Task Documentation][docs-mix]. For
compiled releases where `Mix` is not available
[see this][docs-setup-prod].
## Usage
Que is very similar to other job processing libraries such as Ku and
Toniq. Start by defining a [`Worker`][docs-worker] with a `perform/1`
callback to process your jobs:
defmodule App.Workers.ImageConverter do
use Que.Worker
def perform(image) do
ImageTool.save_resized_copy!(image, :thumbnail)
ImageTool.save_resized_copy!(image, :medium)
You can now add jobs to be processed by the worker:
Que.add(App.Workers.ImageConverter, some_image)
#=> {:ok, %Que.Job{...}}
### Pattern Matching
The argument here can be any term from a Tuple to a Keyword List
or a Struct. You can also pattern match and use guard clauses like
any other method:
defmodule App.Workers.NotificationSender do
use Que.Worker
def perform(type: :like, to: user, count: count) do
User.notify(user, "You have #{count} new likes on your posts")
def perform(type: :message, to: user, from: sender) do
User.notify(user, "You received a new message from #{sender.name}")
def perform(to: user) do
User.notify(user, "New activity on your profile")
### Concurrency
By default, all workers process one Job at a time, but you can
customize that by passing the `concurrency` option:
defmodule App.Workers.SignupMailer do
use Que.Worker, concurrency: 4
def perform(email) do
Mailer.send_email(to: email, message: "Thank you for signing up!")
### Job Success / Failure Callbacks
The worker can also export optional `on_success/1` and `on_failure/2`
callbacks that handle appropriate cases.
defmodule App.Workers.ReportBuilder do
use Que.Worker
def perform({user, report}) do
|> PDFGenerator.generate!
|> File.write!("reports/#{user.id}/report-#{report.id}.pdf")
def on_success({user, _}) do
Mailer.send_email(to: user.email, subject: "Your Report is ready!")
def on_failure({user, report}, error) do
Mailer.send_email(to: user.email, subject: "There was a problem generating your report")
Logger.error("Could not generate report #{report.id}. Reason: #{inspect(error)}")
Head over to Hexdocs for detailed [`Worker` documentation][docs-worker].
## Roadmap
- [x] Write Documentation
- [x] Write Tests
- [x] Persist Job State to Disk
- [x] Provide an API to interact with Jobs
- [x] Add Concurrency Support
- [x] Make jobs work in Parallel
- [x] Allow customizing the number of concurrent jobs
- [x] Success/Failure Callbacks
- [x] Find a more reliable replacement for Amnesia
- [ ] Delayed Jobs
- [ ] Allow job cancellation
- [x] Mix Task for creating Mnesia Database
- [ ] Better Job Failures
- [ ] Option to set timeout on workers
- [ ] Add strategies to automatically retry failed jobs
- [ ] Web UI
## Contributing
- [Fork][github-fork], Enhance, Send PR
- Lock issues with any bugs or feature requests
- Implement something from Roadmap
- Spread the word :heart:
## License
This package is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License][license].
[logo]: https://i.imgur.com/Eec71eh.png
[shield-version]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/que.svg
[shield-license]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/l/que.svg
[shield-downloads]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/dt/que.svg
[shield-travis]: https://img.shields.io/travis/sheharyarn/que/master.svg
[shield-inch]: https://inch-ci.org/github/sheharyarn/que.svg?branch=master
[travis-ci]: https://travis-ci.org/sheharyarn/que
[inch-ci]: https://inch-ci.org/github/sheharyarn/que
[license]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
[mnesia]: http://erlang.org/doc/man/mnesia.html
[hexpm]: https://hex.pm/packages/que
[docs]: https://hexdocs.pm/que
[docs-worker]: https://hexdocs.pm/que/Que.Worker.html
[docs-mix]: https://hexdocs.pm/que/Mix.Tasks.Que.Setup.html
[docs-setup-prod]: https://hexdocs.pm/que/Que.Persistence.Mnesia.html#setup!/0
[github-fork]: https://github.com/sheharyarn/que/fork