
defmodule Que do
  use Application

  @moduledoc """
  `Que` is a simple background job processing library backed by `Mnesia`.

  Que doesn't depend on any external services like Redis for persisting job
  state, instead uses the built-in erlang application
  [`mnesia`]( This makes it extremely
  easy to use as you don't need to install anything other than Que itself.

  ## Installation

  First add it as a dependency in your `mix.exs` and run `mix deps.get`:

  defp deps do
    [{:que, "~> #{Que.Mixfile.project[:version]}"}]

  Then run `$ mix deps.get` and add it to your list of applications:

  def application do
    [applications: [:que]]

  ## Usage

  Define a [`Worker`](Que.Worker.html) to process your jobs:

  defmodule App.Workers.ImageConverter do
    use Que.Worker

    def perform(image) do
      ImageTool.save_resized_copy!(image, :thumbnail)
      ImageTool.save_resized_copy!(image, :medium)
      ImageTool.save_resized_copy!(image, :large)

  You can now add jobs to be processed by the worker:

  Que.add(App.Workers.ImageConverter, some_image)
  #=> :ok

  Read the `Que.Worker` documentation for other callbacks and
  concurrency options.

  ## Persist to Disk

  By default, `Que` uses an in-memory `Mnesia` database so jobs are NOT
  persisted across application restarts. To do that, you first need to
  specify a path for your mnesia database in you `config.exs`.

  config :mnesia, dir: 'mnesia/\#{Mix.env}/\#{node()}'
  # Notice the single quotes

  You can now call the `que.setup` mix task to create the job database:

  $ mix que.setup

  For compiled releases, see the `Que.Persistence.Mnesia` documentation.


  @doc """
  Starts the Que Application (and its Supervision Tree)
  def start(_type, _args) do
    Que.Helpers.log("Booting Que", :low)

  @doc """
  Enqueues a Job to be processed by Que.

  Accepts the worker module name and a term to be passed to
  the worker as arguments.

  ## Example

  Que.add(App.Workers.FileDownloader, {"", "/some/local/"})
  #=> :ok

  Que.add(App.Workers.SignupMailer, to: "", message: "Thank you for Signing up!")
  #=> :ok
  @spec add(worker :: module, arguments :: term) :: {:ok, %Que.Job{}}
  defdelegate add(worker, arguments), to: Que.ServerSupervisor
