
defmodule Rabbit.Message do
  @moduledoc """
  A message consumed by a `Rabbit.Consumer`.

  After starting a consumer, any message passed to the `c:Rabbit.Consumer.handle_message/1`
  callback will be wrapped in a messsage struct. The struct has the following

  * `:consumer` - The PID of the consumer process.
  * `:module` - The module of the consumer process.
  * `:channel` - The `AMQP.Channel` being used by the consumer.
  * `:payload` - The raw payload of the message.
  * `:decoded_payload` - If the message has a content type - this will be the
    payload decoded using the applicable serializer.
  * `:meta` - The metadata sent when publishing or set by the broker.
  * `:custom_meta` - The custom metadata included when starting a consumer.
  * `:error_reason` - The reason for any error that occurs during the message
    handling callback.
  * `:error_stack` - The stacktrace that might accompany the error.


  defstruct [

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          consumer: pid(),
          module: module(),
          channel: AMQP.Channel.t(),
          payload: binary(),
          decoded_payload: any(),
          meta: map(),
          custom_meta: map(),
          error_reason: any(),
          error_stack: nil | list()

  @doc """
  Creates a new message struct.
  @spec new(Rabbit.Consumer.t(), module(), AMQP.Channel.t(), any(), map(), map()) ::
  def new(consumer, module, channel, payload, meta, custom_meta) do
      consumer: consumer,
      module: module,
      channel: channel,
      payload: payload,
      meta: meta,
      custom_meta: custom_meta

  @doc """
  Awknowledges a message.

  ## Options

    * `:multiple` -  If  `true`, all messages up to the one specified by its
    `delivery_tag` are considered acknowledged by the server.
  @spec ack(Rabbit.Message.t(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, :blocked | :closing}
  def ack(message, opts \\ []) do
    AMQP.Basic.ack(, message.meta.delivery_tag, opts)

  @doc """
  Negative awknowledges a message.

  ## Options

    * `:multiple` -  If `true`, all messages up to the one specified by it
    `delivery_tag` are considered acknowledged by the server.
    * `:requeue` - If `true`, the message will be returned to the queue and redelivered
      to the next available consumer.
  @spec nack(Rabbit.Message.t(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, :blocked | :closing}
  def nack(message, opts \\ []) do
    AMQP.Basic.nack(, message.meta.delivery_tag, opts)

  @doc """
  Rejects a message.

  ## Options

    * `:requeue` - If `true`, the message will be returned to the queue and redelivered
      to the next available consumer.
  @spec reject(Rabbit.Message.t(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, :blocked | :closing}
  def reject(message, opts \\ []) do
    AMQP.Basic.reject(, message.meta.delivery_tag, opts)

  @doc false
  @spec put_error(Rabbit.Message.t(), any(), list()) :: Rabbit.Message.t()
  def put_error(message, reason, stack) do
    %{message | error_reason: reason, error_stack: stack}