# RabbitMQStream - WIP

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Elixir Client for [RabbitMQ Streams Protocol](

## Status

The current aim is to fully document the already implemented features, which are the `RabbitMQStream.Connection`, `RabbitMQStream.Publisher` and `RabbitMQStream.SupervisedPublisher`. Then the next step will be to implement the `RabbitMQStream.Subscriber` and `RabbitMQStream` Integerated Client.

## Progress

This implementation is following the protocol defined in the RabbitMQ's repository, seen [here](

Here is the set of messages with handlers currently implemented:

| Command                | Status | Description                               |
| ---------------------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| DeclarePublisher       | ✅     | --                                        |
| Publish                | ✅     |
| PublishConfirm         | ✅     |
| PublishError           | ✅     |
| QueryPublisherSequence | ✅     | --                                        |
| DeletePublisher        | ✅     | --                                        |
| Subscribe              | ⏳     |
| Deliver                | ⏳     |
| Credit                 | ⏳     |
| StoreOffset            | ✅     | Stores a stream offset under given `name` |
| QueryOffset            | ✅     | Retrieves a stored offset                 |
| Unsubscribe            | ⏳     |
| Create                 | ✅     | Create a Stream                           |
| Delete                 | ✅     | Delete a Stream                           |
| Metadata               | ✅     | --                                        |
| MetadataUpdate         | ✅     | --                                        |
| PeerProperties         | ✅     | --                                        |
| SaslHandshake          | ✅     | --                                        |
| SaslAuthenticate       | ✅     | --                                        |
| Tune                   | ✅     | --                                        |
| Open                   | ✅     | --                                        |
| Close                  | ✅     | --                                        |
| Heartbeat              | ✅     | --                                        |

## Roadmap

- [_Well-behaved_]( Cluster connection
- Workaround for connecting throught [load balancers](

## Future Plans

- Broadway Producer implementation using this client.