# RabbitMQStream

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Elixir Client for [RabbitMQ Streams Protocol](

## Usage

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `rabbitmq_stream` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:rabbitmq_stream, "~> 0.4.0"},
    # ...

### Consuming from stream

First you define a connection

defmodule MyApp.MyConnection do
  use RabbitMQStream.Connection

You then can declare a consumer module with the `RabbitMQStream.Consumer`:

defmodule MyApp.MyConsumer do
  use RabbitMQStream.Consumer,
    connection: MyApp.MyConnection,
    stream_name: "my_stream",
    initial_offset: :first

  @impl true
  def handle_chunk(%RabbitMQStream.OsirisChunk{}=_chunk, _consumer) do

Or you could manually consume from the stream with

{:ok, _subscription_id} = MyApp.MyConnection.subscribe("stream-01", self(), :next, 999)

The caller process will start receiving messages with the format `{:deliver, %RabbitMQStream.Message.Types.DeliverData{} = deliver_data}`

def handle_info({:deliver, %RabbitMQStream.Message.Types.DeliverData{} = deliver_data}, state) do
  # do something with message
  {:noreply, state}

You can take a look at an example Consumer GenServer at the [Consuming Documentation](guides/tutorial/

### Publishing to stream

RabbitMQ Streams protocol needs a static `:reference_name` per producer. This is used to prevent message duplication. For this reason, each stream needs, for now, a static module to publish messages, which keeps track of its own `publishing_id`.

You can define a `Producer` module like this:

defmodule MyApp.MyProducer do
  use RabbitMQStream.Producer,
    stream_name: "stream-01",
    connection: MyApp.MyConnection

Then you can publish messages to the stream:

MyApp.MyProducer.publish("Hello World")

## Configuration

The configuration for the connection can be set in your `config.exs` file:

config :rabbitmq_stream, MyApp.MyConnection,
  username: "guest",
  password: "guest"
  # ...


You can configure a default Serializer module by passing it to the defaults configuration option

config :rabbitmq_stream, :defaults,
  serializer: Jason

## TLS Support

You can configure the RabbitmqStream to use TLS connections:

coonfig :rabbitmq_stream, :defaults,
  connection: [
    transport: :ssl,
    ssl_opts: [
      keyfile: "services/cert/client_box_key.pem",
      certfile: "services/cert/client_box_certificate.pem",
      cacertfile: "services/cert/ca_certificate.pem"

For more information, check the [documentation](