<h1 id="rad-✨"><a href="#rad-✨"><img alt="rad ✨" src="https://github.com/tynanbe/rad/raw/main/images/rad.svg"></a></h1>
A flexible task runner companion for the Gleam build manager.
<p align="center" width="100%"><a href="#screenshot" id="screenshot"><img alt="A rad screenshot." src="https://github.com/tynanbe/rad/raw/main/images/rad-screen-01.png" width="300"></a></p>
Rad has a variety of builtin features. Some of the more powerful include serving
documentation and watching the file system. With
[`rad docs serve`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#docs_serve),
you can build docs for your project and all of its dependencies, and then serve
them together over `HTTP`, like a small-scale [hexdocs](https://hexdocs.pm/)
service specific to your project. Plus, with
[`rad watch`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#watch) you get
live reloading of any clients connected to the docs server in addition to
automated testing when saving files, for rapid feedback when coding and writing
Try this `rad` one-liner:
$ # Press `Ctrl+Z` and use the `fg` command as needed
$ rad docs serve --all --host= &; rad watch
Then, visit [`localhost:7000`](http://localhost:7000/), or open
`[your machine's LAN IP]:7000` from another device on your network, and watch
what happens when you edit and save one of your project's files!
Rad provides a helpful framework for automating repetitive actions, reducing
mental burden, and lowering the potential for maintenance errors when developing
your Gleam projects.
Make `rad` your own by customizing it to suit your projects and workflows!
## Quick Start
$ rad help # Print help information
$ rad shell # Start an Erlang shell
$ rad shell iex # Start an Elixir shell
$ rad shell deno # Start a JavaScript shell
$ rad shell node # Start a JavaScript shell
$ rad tree # Print the file structure
$ rad docs serve # Serve HTML documentation
$ rad watch # Automate project tasks
## Requirements
Either [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) _<small>(`>= v17.5`)</small>_ or
[Deno](https://deno.land/) _<small>(`>= v1.30`)</small>_ is required to run
`rad`. Although most `rad` commands can be executed with the
[Erlang](https://www.erlang.org/) runtime, `rad` always initializes via a
[JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/javascript) runtime
([Node.js](https://nodejs.org/), unless [Deno](https://deno.land/) is specified
as the default runtime in your project's `gleam.toml` config).
## Installation
### Gleam
$ gleam add rad
## Usage
### Basic Usage
You must run `rad` from your project's base directory (where `gleam.toml`
$ ./build/packages/rad/priv/rad <subcommand> [flags]
$ # or
$ gleam run --target=javascript --module=rad -- <subcommand> [flags]
_Note: `gleam run --target=erlang --module=rad ...` is currently unsupported!_
For convenience when invoking `rad`, first perform one of the following
operations in a manner consistent with your shell of choice. The goal is to get
`priv/rad` or `priv/rad.ps1` somewhere in your `$PATH`; there are many ways to
accomplish this, these are merely some suggestions.
#### POSIX (Bash-Like)
<summary><strong>Alias <code>priv/rad</code></strong></summary>
$ alias rad='./build/packages/rad/priv/rad'
$ # To persist across sessions, add it to your .bashrc or an analogous file
<summary><strong>Copy <code>priv/rad</code> into your <code>$PATH</code></strong></summary>
$ sudo cp ./build/packages/rad/priv/rad /usr/local/bin/
<summary><strong>Link <code>priv/rad</code> into your <code>$PATH</code></strong></summary>
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/tynanbe/rad.git /usr/local/share/rad
$ sudo ln -s ../share/rad/priv/rad /usr/local/bin/
#### PowerShell
<summary><strong>Alias <code>priv/rad.ps1</code></strong></summary>
PS> function rad { ./build/packages/rad/priv/rad.ps1 @Args }
PS> # To persist across sessions, add it to your $profile file
<summary><strong>Copy <code>priv/rad.ps1</code> into your <code>$env:PATH</code></strong></summary>
PS> # Create "${HOME}/bin"
PS> New-Item -Type Directory -Force "${HOME}/bin"
PS> # Add "${HOME}/bin" to $env:PATH
PS> $path = "${HOME}/bin"
PS> $sep = ";" # Use ":" for *nix
PS> $paths = $env:PATH -split $sep
PS> if ($paths -notcontains $path) {
$env:PATH = (@($path) + $paths | where { $_ }) -join $sep
PS> # To persist across sessions, add the previous lines to your $profile file
PS> # Copy rad.ps1
PS> Copy-Item "./build/packages/rad/priv/rad.ps1" -Destination "${HOME}/bin/"
<summary><strong>Link <code>priv/rad.ps1</code> into your <code>$env:PATH</code></strong></summary>
PS> # Create "${HOME}/bin"
PS> New-Item -Type Directory -Force "${HOME}/bin"
PS> # Add "${HOME}/bin" to $env:PATH
PS> $path = "${HOME}/bin"
PS> $sep = ";" # Use ":" for *nix
PS> $paths = $env:PATH -split $sep
PS> if ($paths -notcontains $path) {
$env:PATH = (@($path) + $paths | where { $_ }) -join $sep
PS> # To persist across sessions, add the previous lines to your $profile file
PS> # Create "${HOME}/src"
PS> New-Item -Type Directory -Force "${HOME}/src"
PS> # Clone the rad repository
PS> git clone https://github.com/tynanbe/rad.git "${HOME}/src/rad"
PS> # Link rad.ps1
PS> New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "../src/rad/priv/rad.ps1" -Path "${HOME}/bin/rad.ps1"
After completing one of the previous operations, you should be able to invoke
`rad` as follows.
$ rad <subcommand> [flags]
More information about `rad`'s standard subcommands can be found in
[`rad` hexdocs](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html) or with
[`rad help`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook.html#help).
### Configuration
You can extend `rad` with your project's `gleam.toml` configuration file.
workbook = "my/workbook"
targets = ["erlang", "javascript"]
with = "javascript"
name = "erlang"
check = ["erlfmt", "--check"]
run = ["erlfmt", "--write", "src/rad_ffi.erl"]
name = "javascript"
check = ["deno", "fmt", "--check"]
run = ["deno", "fmt"]
path = ["purple", "heart"]
run = ["echo", "💜 The dream you'll have here is a dream within a dream."]
shortdoc = "💜 The dream you'll have here is a dream within a dream."
path = ["sparkles"]
run = ["echo", "✨ It's been a long road getting here..."]
path = ["sparkling", "heart"]
run = ["sh", "-c", "echo '💖 I was staring out the window and there it was, just fluttering there...' $(rad version)!"]
#### `[rad]`
In the base `rad` table, you can define a custom
[`workbook`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#workbook) (see
[Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)), a default array of compilation `targets`
that `rad` tasks like `build` and `test` will cover, and a default runtime for
`rad` to run all tasks `with` (some tasks, like
[`shell`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#shell), will not
succeed `with` the `erlang` runtime; `javascript` is the default).
#### `[[rad.formatters]]`
The [`rad format`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#format)
task runs the `gleam` formatter along with any formatters defined in your
`gleam.toml` config via the `rad.formatters` table array. The `name`, `check`,
and `run` fields are all mandatory for each formatter you define.
#### `[[rad.tasks]]`
You can define your own basic tasks via the `rad.tasks` table array. Few
assumptions are made about your environment, so `rad` won't run your commands
through any shell interpreter on its own; however, the scope of your commands is
virtually unlimited, and you're free to specify your shell interpreter of
choice. The `path` and `run` fields are mandatory for each task you define,
while the `shortdoc` field is optional. Both `path` and `run` must be formatted
as arrays of strings; the strings will generally be single words corresponding
to command line arguments. If your task has a `shortdoc`, it will appear in
`rad help` information as long as it has a visible parent `path`.
### Advanced Usage
The standard `rad` workbook module exemplifies how to create a custom
`workbook.gleam` module for your own project.
By providing [`main`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#main)
and [`workbook`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#workbook)
functions in your project's `workbook.gleam` file, you can extend `rad`'s
[`workbook`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/workbook/standard.html#workbook) with
your own or write one entirely from scratch, optionally making it and your
[`Runner`](https://hexdocs.pm/rad/rad/task.html#Runner)s available for any
dependent projects!
### Examples
// src/my/workbook.gleam
import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/json
import gleam/result
import glint.{CommandInput}
import glint/flag
import rad
import rad/task.{Result, Task}
import rad/util
import rad/workbook.{Workbook}
import rad/workbook/standard
import snag
pub fn main() -> Nil {
|> rad.do_main
pub fn workbook() -> Workbook {
let standard_workbook = standard.workbook()
let assert Ok(root_task) =
|> workbook.get(from: standard_workbook)
let assert Ok(help_task) =
|> workbook.get(from: standard_workbook)
|> workbook.task(
add: root
|> task.runner(into: root_task),
|> workbook.task(
add: workbook
|> workbook.help
|> task.runner(into: help_task),
|> workbook.task(
add: ["commit"]
|> task.new(run: commit)
|> task.shortdoc("Generate a questionable commit message"),
pub fn root(input: CommandInput, task: Task(Result)) -> Result {
let assert Ok(flag.B(ver)) =
|> flag.get_value(from: input.flags)
case ver {
True -> standard.root(input, task)
False -> workbook.help(from: workbook)(input, task)
pub fn commit(_input: CommandInput, _task: Task(Result)) -> Result {
let script =
.then(async (response) => [response.status, await response.text()])
([status, text]) =>
console.log(JSON.stringify({ status: status, text: text.trim() }))
use output <- result.try(
["--eval", script]
|> util.javascript_run(opt: []),
let snag = snag.new("service unreachable")
use status <- result.try(
|> json.decode(using: dynamic.field(named: "status", of: dynamic.int))
|> result.replace_error(snag),
case status < 400 {
True ->
|> json.decode(using: dynamic.field(named: "text", of: dynamic.string))
|> result.replace_error(snag)
False -> Error(snag)
#### In the shell
$ rad commit
Chuck Norris Emailed Me This Patch... I'm Not Going To Question It
## Further Reading
For more information on all things `rad`, read the