# RaftKV
An Elixir library to store key-value pairs in a distributed, fault-tolerant, self-adjusting data structure.
- [API Documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/raft_kv/)
- [Hex package information](https://hex.pm/packages/raft_kv)
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## Feature & Design
- Each value can be arbitrary data structure.
- Operation on a stored value must be given as an implementation of `RaftKV.ValuePerKey` behaviour.
- Built on top of [raft_fleet](https://github.com/skirino/raft_fleet).
- Key-value pairs are sharded into multiple Raft consensus groups by hash partitioning.
- Based on number of keys, data size and current load, shards are automatically split/merged in a transparent manner.
- Designed for many key-value pairs and throughput.
## Usage
Suppose we have the following callback module for simple key-value store.
defmodule KV do
alias RaftKV.ValuePerKey
@behaviour ValuePerKey
@impl true
def command(_previous_value, _size, _key, {:set, value}) do
{:ok, 5, value, 0}
def command(_previous_value, _size, _key, :unset) do
{:ok, 5, nil, 0}
@impl true
def query(value, _size, _key, :get) do
{value, 1}
def get(k) do
case RaftKV.query(:kv, k, :get) do
{:ok, v} -> v
{:error, :key_not_found} -> nil
def set(k, v) do
{:ok, :ok} = RaftKV.command(:kv, k, {:set, v})
def unset(k) do
{:ok, :ok} = RaftKV.command(:kv, k, :unset)
Let's initialize `:raft_kv` and then register a keyspace.
RaftKV.register_keyspace(:kv, [], KV, nil, %RaftKV.SplitMergePolicy{max_shards: 16, max_keys_per_shard: 100})
Now we can get/set values with arbitrary keys.
KV.get("foo") # => nil
KV.set("foo", "bar") # => :ok
KV.get("foo") # => "bar"
Initially there's only one shard.
RaftKV.reduce_keyspace_shard_names(:kv, [], &[&1 | &2]) # => [:kv_0]
When the number of key-value pairs exceeds the limit per shard (`100`) as follows...
Enum.each(1..200, fn i -> KV.set("#{i}", i) end)
then shards are automatically split.
(Depending on the configurations it may take several minutes. See `RaftKV.Config` for more detail.)
RaftKV.reduce_keyspace_shard_names(:kv, [], &[&1 | &2]) # => [:kv_100663296, :kv_67108864, :kv_0]
Similarly, when you remove key-value pairs...
Enum.each(1..200, fn i -> KV.unset("#{i}") end)
the shards are automatically merged.
RaftKV.reduce_keyspace_shard_names(:kv, [], &[&1 | &2]) # => [:kv_0]
Shard splits and merges are transparent from client processes interacting with key-value pairs.