# RaftedValue : A [Raft]( implementation to replicate a value across cluster of Erlang VMs

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## Design

- Provides [linearizable]( semantics for operations on a replicated value.
- Implements memory-based state machine with optional persistence (writing logs, making snapshots with log compaction, restoring state from snapshot & log files)
- Flexible data model: replicate arbitrary data structure
- Supports membership changes:
    - adding/removing a member
    - replacing leader
- Each consensus group member is implemented as a [`:gen_statem`]( process.

## Notes on backward compatibility

- Users of `<= 0.10.3` should upgrade to `0.10.4` before upgrading to `0.11.x`, due to slight change in log entry format.
- Users of `<= 0.7.2` should upgrade to `0.7.3` before upgrading to `0.8.x`, due to change in interface of `:communication_module`.
- In `0.4.0` and `0.5.0` we migrate from `:gen_fsm` (deprecated in Erlang/OTP 20) to `:gen_statem`.
  This introduces a change in message format of member-to-member and client-to-leader communications.
  Users of `0.3.x` must first upgrade to `0.4.0`, which understands both old and new message formats,
  and itself sends messages in the old format (compatible with `0.3.x`).
  Then upgrade to `0.5.0`, which also understands both the old and new message formats and sends messages in the new format.
  You cannot go directly from `0.3.x` to `0.5.0`, since `0.3.x` does not understand messages from `0.5.0`.
- On-disk log format was slightly changed in `0.3.0` from that of `0.2.x`.
- Users of `<= 0.1.8` should upgrade to `0.1.10` before upgrading to `>= 0.2.0`.
    - RPC protocol of `<= 0.1.8` and that of `>= 0.2.0` are slightly incompatible
    - Version `0.1.10` should be able to interact with both `<= 0.1.8` and `>= 0.2.0`

## Example

Suppose there are 3 connected erlang nodes running:

$ iex --sname 1 -S mix

$ iex --sname 2 -S mix

$ iex --sname 3 -S mix
iex(3@skirino-Manjaro)1> Node.connect(:"1@skirino-Manjaro")
iex(3@skirino-Manjaro)1> Node.connect(:"2@skirino-Manjaro")

Load the following module in all nodes.

defmodule QueueWithLength do
  @behaviour RaftedValue.Data
  def new(), do: {, 0}
  def command({q, l}, {:enqueue, v}) do
    {l, {, q), l + 1}}
  def command({q1, l}, :dequeue) do
    {{:value, v}, q2} = :queue.out(q1)
    {v, {q2, l - 1}}
  def query({_, l}, :length), do: l

Then make a 3-member consensus group by spawning one process per node as follows:

# :"1@skirino-Manjaro"
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)2> config = RaftedValue.make_config(QueueWithLength)
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)3> {:ok, _} = RaftedValue.start_link({:create_new_consensus_group, config}, [name: :foo])

# :"2@skirino-Manjaro"
iex(2@skirino-Manjaro)3> {:ok, _} = RaftedValue.start_link({:join_existing_consensus_group, [{:foo, :"1@skirino-Manjaro"}]}, [name: :bar])

# :"3@skirino-Manjaro"
iex(3@skirino-Manjaro)3> {:ok, _} = RaftedValue.start_link({:join_existing_consensus_group, [{:foo, :"1@skirino-Manjaro"}]}, [name: :baz])

Now you can run commands on the replicated value:

# :"1@skirino-Manjaro"
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)6> RaftedValue.command(:foo, {:enqueue, "a"})
{:ok, 0}
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)7> RaftedValue.command(:foo, {:enqueue, "b"})
{:ok, 1}
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)8> RaftedValue.command(:foo, {:enqueue, "c"})
{:ok, 2}
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)9> RaftedValue.command(:foo, {:enqueue, "d"})
{:ok, 3}
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)10> RaftedValue.command(:foo, {:enqueue, "e"})
{:ok, 4}

# :"2@skirino-Manjaro"
iex(2@skirino-Manjaro)4> RaftedValue.command({:foo, :"1@skirino-Manjaro"}, :dequeue)
{:ok, "a"}
iex(2@skirino-Manjaro)5> RaftedValue.command({:foo, :"1@skirino-Manjaro"}, :dequeue)
{:ok, "b"}
iex(2@skirino-Manjaro)6> RaftedValue.command({:foo, :"1@skirino-Manjaro"}, {:enqueue, "f"})
{:ok, 3}
iex(2@skirino-Manjaro)7> RaftedValue.query({:foo, :"1@skirino-Manjaro"}, :length)
{:ok, 4}

The 3-member consensus group keeps on working if 1 member dies:

# :"3@skirino-Manjaro"
iex(3@skirino-Manjaro)4> :gen_statem.stop(:baz)

# :"1@skirino-Manjaro"
iex(1@skirino-Manjaro)11> RaftedValue.command(:foo, :dequeue)
{:ok, 3}

## Links

- [Raft official website](
- [The original paper]( and
  [the thesis]( about the Raft protocol
- [raft_fleet]( : Elixir library to run multiple `RaftedValue` consensus groups in a cluster of ErlangVMs
- [skirino's slides to introduce rafted_value and raft_fleet](