# Rambo

> One mission: Run your command. Send input. Get output.

Rambo is the easiest way to run external programs.

- Run programs that require EOF to produce output
- No more zombies, even if the VM crashes! No scripts required!
- No additional installs or compilers (Linux, macOS & Windows only)
- Stream logs back to your app
- Chain commands together
- Kill stalled commands
- Set timeout or run indefinitely
- Powered by asynchronous I/O, incredibly efficient!

## Usage

{:ok, %Rambo{status: 0, out: "\n", err: ""}}

# send standard input"cat", in: "rambo")

# pass arguments"ls", ["-l", "-a"])

# chain commands"ls") |>"sort") |>"head")

# set timeout"find", "peace", timeout: 1981)

### Logging

Logs to standard error are printed by default, so errors are visible before your
command finishes. Change this with the `:log` option.

```elixir"ls", log: :stderr) # default"ls", log: :stdout) # log stdout only"ls", log: true)    # log both stdout and stderr"ls", log: false)   # don’t log output

# or to any function"echo", log: &IO.inspect/1)

### Kill

Kill your command from another process, Rambo returns with any gathered results
so far.

task = Task.async(fn ->"cat")


{:killed, %Rambo{status: nil, out: "", err: ""}}

## Why?

Erlang ports do not work with programs that expect EOF to produce output. The
only way to close standard input is to close the port, which also closes
standard output, preventing results from coming back to your app. This gotcha
is marked [Won’t Fix](

### Design

When Rambo is asked to run a command, it starts a shim that spawns your command
as a child. After writing to standard input, the file descriptor is closed while
output is streamed back to your app.

+-----------------+       stdin
|          +------+------+ --> +---------+
|  Erlang  | Port | Shim |     | Command |
|          +------+------+ <-- +---------+
+-----------------+       stdout

If your app exits prematurely, the child is automatically killed to prevent

## Caveats

You cannot call `` from a GenServer because Rambo uses `receive`, which
interferes with GenServer’s `receive` loop. However, you can wrap the call in a

task = Task.async(fn ->"mission")


## Comparisons

Rambo does not spawn any processes nor support bidirectional communication
with your commands. It is intentionally kept simple to run transient jobs with
minimal overhead, such as calling a Python or Node script to transform some
data. For more complicated use cases, see below.

### System.cmd

If you don’t need to pipe standard input or capture standard error, just use

### Porcelain

[Porcelain]( cannot send EOF to trigger output
by default. The [Goon]( driver must be installed
separately to add this capability. Rambo ships with the required native

Goon is written in Go, a multithreaded runtime with a garbage collector. To be
as lightweight as possible, Rambo’s shim is written in Rust using non-blocking,
asynchronous I/O only. No garbage collection runtime, no latency spikes.

Most importantly, Porcelain currently [leaks](
processes. Writing a new driver to replace Goon should fix it, but Porcelain
appears to be [abandoned]( so effort
went into creating Rambo.

### MuonTrap

[MuonTrap]( is designed to run long-running
external programs. You can attach the OS process to your supervision tree, and
restart it if it crashes. Likewise if your Elixir process crashes, the OS
process is terminated too.

You can also limit CPU and memory usage on Linux through cgroups.

### erlexec

[erlexec]( is great if you want fine grain
control over external programs.

Each external OS process is mirrored as an Erlang process, so you get
asynchronous and bidirectional communication. You can kill your OS processes
with any signal or monitor them for termination, among many powerful features.

Choose erlexec if you want a kitchen sink solution.

### ExCmd

[ExCmd]( can stream data with backpressure,
wrapped in a convenient `Stream` API. Requires separate install of
[Odu]( By the same author as

### Exile

[Exile]( is also focused on streaming like
[ExCmd]( but implemented with NIFs so it
does not require shims.

## Installation

Add `rambo` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:rambo, "~> 0.3"}

Linux, macOS and Windows binaries are bundled (x86-64 architecture only). For
other environments, install the Rust compiler or Rambo won’t compile.

To remove unused binaries, set `:purge` to `true` in your configuration.

config :rambo,
  purge: true

## Links

- [Documentation](
- [Hex](

## License

Rambo is released under [MIT](