# RandomPassword
Efficiently generate cryptographically strong random passwords using alpha, numeric and special symbols.
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## <a name="Installation"></a>Installation
Add `random_password` to `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps,
do: [
{:random_password, "~> 1.0"}
Update dependencies
mix deps.get
## <a name="Usage"></a>Usage
Create a module for generating random passwords:
iex> defmodule(DefaultPassword, do: use(RandomPassword))
iex> DefaultPassword.generate()
By default, `RandomPassword` modules generate passwords of length 17, comprised of 14 alpha, 2 decimal, and 1 symbol. To specify different character counts, supply any combination of `alpha`, `decimal` or `symbol` during module creation:
iex> defmodule(StrongPassword, do: use(RandomPassword, alpha: 16, decimal: 4, symbol: 2))
iex> StrongPassword.generate()
A specific set of symbols can be specified using the `symbols` option:
iex> defmodule(CustomSymbolsPassword, do: use(RandomPassword, alpha: 12, symbol: 3, symbols: "@#$%&!"))
iex> CustomSymbolsPassword.generate()
Each created module includes a `info/0` function to display module parameterization:
iex> StrongPassword.info()
alpha: 16,
decimal: 4,
entropy_bits: 114.11,
length: 22,
symbol: 2,
symbols: "!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~"
`info/0` output includes a calculation of bits of entropy for generated passwords. `RandomPassword.entropy_bits/3` can be used to calculate entropy bits. For example, using the parameters passed when creating `StrongPassword`, password entropy can determine **_before_** creating the module:
iex> RandomPassword.entropy_bits(16, 4, 2) |> Float.round(2)