<p align="center"><img src="test/images/logo/horizontal.png" alt="rapport" height="110px"></p>
Rapport aims to provide a robust set of modules to generate HTML reports that both looks good in the browser and when being printed.
## Installation
The package can be installed
by adding `rapport` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:rapport, "~> 0.7"}
## Notable features
* Specify paper size for the report
* Specify rotation for the report
* Image helpers
* Font helpers
* Page numbering
* Add custom styling & even Javascript
* Barcodes
## Hello world
page_template = "<h1><%= @hello %></h1>"
html_report =
|> Rapport.add_page(page_template, %{hello: "Hello world!"})
|> Rapport.save_to_file("/home/users/ricn/hello.html")
The snippet above generates a report containing only one page with a heading that says "Hello world!".
[See example here](https://rawgit.com/ricn/rapport/master/examples/hello.html)
## More examples
* [Custom fonts and styling](https://rawgit.com/ricn/rapport/master/examples/custom_fonts_and_styles.html)
* [Invoice](https://rawgit.com/ricn/rapport/master/examples/invoice.html)
* [Page numbering](https://rawgit.com/ricn/rapport/master/examples/page_numbering.html)
* [List of people with cover page](https://rawgit.com/ricn/rapport/master/examples/list_of_people.html)
* [Barcodes](https://rawgit.com/ricn/rapport/master/examples/barcodes.html)
* More examples are coming...
If you want to see how the examples has been created, you can look at the `example_test.exs` file in the test folder.
## Phoenix integration
It's easy to Integrate Rapport with Phoenix. Just load the template as a module attribute, create the HTML for the report
and send a response with the generated HTML:
defmodule ReportsWeb.ReportController do
use ReportsWeb, :controller
@page_template File.read!(Path.join(__DIR__, "../templates/report/hello.html.eex"))
def hello(conn, _params) do
html_report =
|> Rapport.add_page(@page_template, %{hello: "Hello World!"})
|> Rapport.generate_html
|> put_resp_content_type("text/html")
|> send_resp(200, html_report)
## Upcoming features
* Charts
* PDF conversion
## Credits
The following people have contributed ideas, documentation, or code to Rapport:
* Richard Nyström
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request