# ![](

Feed aggregator for Elixir.

## Installation

First, add RaSStaggregator to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:rasstaggregator, "~> 1.0"}]

and run `$ mix deps.get`. Now, list the `:rasstaggregator` application as your
application dependency:

def application do
  [applications: [:rasstaggregator]]

## Usage

The RaSStaggregator will read the list of feeds from the configuration value:

config :rasstaggregator, feeds: [
  %RaSStaggregator.Feed{id: :example_feed, url: ""},
  %RaSStaggregator.Feed{id: :another_feed, url: ""},
  %RaSStaggregator.Feed{id: :yet_another_feed, url: ""},

It is also possible to add a feed programatically:

RaSStaggregator.add_feed :feed_id, ""

RaSStaggregator will start a parser for each feed and periodically check them
and store them into ETS. It is easy to get the list of feed entries from it:

entries = RaSStaggregator.Cache.find(:feed_id)

or to get the post timeline consisting out of multiple feeds:

timeline = RaSStaggregator.get_timeline([:feed_id_1, :feed_id_2, ...])