# Ratekeeper

Ratekeeper is a library for scheduling rate-limited actions.
It supports complex rate limits and estimates time left to resetting limits.

## Installation

Add `ratekeeper` as dependency in `mix.exs`

``` elixir
def deps do
    [{:ratekeeper, "~> 0.2"}]

## Usage

Limits can be set in config:
config :ratekeeper, :limits, %{"" => [{1000, 5}, {60_000, 100}]}
or at runtime:
Ratekeeper.add_limit "", 1000, 5
Ratekeeper.add_limit "", 60_000, 100
This sets limits to *5 requests per 1 second* and *100 requests per minute*.

Appoint a request to rate limited api:
case Ratekeeper.register("", 10_000) do
  nil ->
    raise "Rate limits exceeded, request not allowed in next 10 seconds"
  delay ->

Full documentation can be found at [](