<div align="center">
# `rbac`
Role Based Access Control (**`RBAC`**) gives you
a human-friendly way of controlling access
to specific data/features in your App(s).

## Why?
You want an _easy_ way to restrict access to features for your Elixir/Phoenix App
based on a sane model of roles.
**`RBAC`** lets you _easily_ manage roles and permissions in any application
and see at a glance exactly which permissions a person has in the system.
It reduces complexity over traditional
Access Control List (ACL) based permissions systems.
## What?
The purpose of **`RBAC`** is to provide a framework
for application administrators and developers
to manage the permissions assigned to the people using the App(s).
## Who?
Anyone who is interested in developing secure applications
used by many people with differing needs and permissions
should learn about **`RBAC`**.
## _How_?
### Installation
Install by adding `rbac` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:rbac, "~> 1.0.3"}
<br />
### Initialize Your Roles List (Cache)
In order to use **`RBAC`** you need to initialize
the _in-memory cache_ with a list of roles.
#### Got your Own List of Roles?
If you prefer to manage your own list of roles
you can simply supply your own list of roles e.g:
roles = [%{id: 1, name: "admin"}, %{id: 2, name: "subscriber"}]
To initialize the list of roles _once_ (_at boot_) for your Phoenix App,
open the `application.ex` file of your project
and locate the `def start(_type, _args) do` definition, e.g:
def start(_type, _args) do
# List all child processes to be supervised
children = [
# Start the Ecto repository
# Start the endpoint when the application starts
{Phoenix.PubSub, name: App.PubSub},
# Starts a worker by calling: Auth.Worker.start_link(arg)
# {Auth.Worker, arg},
# See https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Supervisor.html
# for other strategies and supported options
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: App.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Add the following code at the top of the `start/2` function definition:
# initialize RBAC Roles Cache:
roles = [%{id: 1, name: "admin"}, %{id: 2, name: "subscriber"}]
#### Using `auth` to Manage Roles?
**`RBAC`** is _independent_ from our
[`auth`](https://github.com/dwyl/auth) App
and it's corresponding helper library
However if you want a ready-made list of universally applicable roles
and an _easy_ way to manage and create custom roles for your App,
**`auth`** has you covered:
Once you have exported your
`AUTH_API_KEY` Environment Variable
following these instructions:
You can source your list of roles
and initialize it
with the following code:
# initialize RBAC Roles Cache:
expects the `AUTH_API_KEY` Environment Variable to be set.
<br />
### Usage
Once you have added the initialization code,
you can easily check that a person has a required role
using the following code:
# role argument as String
RBAC.has_role?([2], "admin")
> true
# role argument as Atom
RBAC.has_role?([2], :admin)
> true
# second argument (role) as Integer
RBAC.has_role?([2], 2)
> true
The first argument is a `List` of role ids.
The second argument (`role`) can either be
an `String`, `Atom` or`Integer`
corresponding to the `name` of the role
or the `id` respectively.
We prefer using `String` because its more developer/maintenance friendly.
We can immediately see which role is required
Or if you want to check that the person has _any_ role
in a list of potential roles:
RBAC.has_role_any?([2,4,7], ["admin", "commenter"])
> true
RBAC.has_role_any?([2,4,7], [:admin, :commenter])
> true
### Using `rbac` with `auth_plug`
If you are using [`auth_plug`](https://github.com/dwyl/auth_plug)
to handle checking auth in your App.
It adds the `person` map to the `conn.assigns` struct.
That means the person's roles are listed in:
app_id: 8,
auth_provider: "github",
email: "alex.mcawesome@gmail.com",
exp: 1631721211,
givenName: "Alex",
id: 772,
roles: "2"
For convenience, we allow the first argument
of both `has_role/2` and `has_role_any?/2`
to accept `conn` as the first argument:
RBAC.has_role?(conn, "admin")
> true
Check that the person has has any role in a list of potential roles:
RBAC.has_role_any?(conn, ["admin", "commenter"])
> true
We prefer to make our code as declarative and human-friendly as possible,
hence the `String` role names.
However both the role-checking functions also accept a list of integers,
corresponding to the `role.id` of the required role, e.g:
RBAC.has_role?(conn, 2)
> true
If the person does not have the **`superadmin`** role,
`has_role?/2` will return `false`
RBAC.has_role?(conn, 1)
> false
Or supply a list of integers to `has_role_any?/2` if you prefer:
RBAC.has_role_any?(conn, [1,2,3])
> true
You can even _mix_ the type in the list (_though we don't recommend it..._):
RBAC.has_role_any?(conn, ["admin",2,3])
> true
We recommend picking one, and advise using strings for code legibility.
RBAC.has_role?(conn, "building_admin")
Is very clear which role is required.
Whereas using an `int` (_especially for custom roles_) is a bit more terse:
RBAC.has_role?(conn, 13)
It requires the developer/code reviewer/maintainer
to either know what the role is,
or look it up in a list.
Stick with `String` as your role names in your code.
API/Function reference available at
## Trouble Shooting
If your app does not have a valid `AUTH_API_KEY` you may see the following error:
Generated auth app
** (Mix) Could not start application auth: exited in: Auth.Application.start(:normal, [])
** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Enumerable not implemented for "Internal Server Error" of type BitString. This protocol is implemented for the following type(s): Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Stream, Postgrex.Stream, DBConnection.PrepareStream, DBConnection.Stream, StreamData, IO.Stream, Map, Date.Range, List, GenEvent.Stream, HashSet, MapSet, Range, HashDict, Function, Stream, File.Stream
(elixir 1.10.4) lib/enum.ex:1: Enumerable.impl_for!/1
(elixir 1.10.4) lib/enum.ex:141: Enumerable.reduce/3
(elixir 1.10.4) lib/enum.ex:3383: Enum.map/2
(rbac 0.4.0) lib/rbac.ex:69: RBAC.parse_body_response/1
(rbac 0.4.0) lib/rbac.ex:88: RBAC.init_roles_cache/2
(auth 1.2.4) lib/auth/application.ex:9: Auth.Application.start/2
(kernel 7.0) application_master.erl:277: :application_master.start_it_old/4
The command "mix ecto.setup" failed and exited with 1 during .
Simply follow the instructions to get your `AUTH_API_KEY` and export it as an environment variable.
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## tl;dr > RBAC Knowledge Summary
Each role granted just enough flexibility and permissions
to perform the tasks required for their job,
this helps enforce the
[principal of least privilege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege)
The RBAC methodology is based on a set of three principal rules
that govern access to systems:
1. **Role Assignment**:
Each transaction or operation can only be carried out
if the person has assumed the appropriate role.
An operation is defined as any action taken
with respect to a system or network object that is protected by RBAC.
Roles may be assigned by a separate party
or selected by the person attempting to perform the action.
2. **Role Authorization**:
The purpose of role authorization
is to ensure that people can only assume a role
for which they have been given the appropriate authorization.
When a person assumes a role,
they must do so with authorization from an administrator.
3. **Transaction Authorization**:
An operation can only be completed
if the person attempting to complete the transaction
possesses the appropriate role.
## Recommended Reading
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-based_access_control
- https://www.sumologic.com/glossary/role-based-access-control
- https://medium.com/@adriennedomingus/role-based-access-control-rbac-permissions-vs-roles-55f1f0051468