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# Rclex

Rclex is a ROS 2 client library for Elixir.

This library lets you perform basic ROS 2 behaviors by calling out from Elixir code into the RCL (ROS Client Library) API, which
uses the ROS 2 common hierarchy.

Additionally, publisher-subscriber (PubSub) communication between nodes and associated callback functions are executed by *tasks*,
which are part of a lightweight process model. This enables generation of and communication between a large number of fault-tolerant
nodes while suppressing memory load.

## About ROS 2

ROS (Robot Operating System) is a next-generation Robot development framework. In both ROS and ROS 2, each functional
unit is exposed as a node, and by combining these nodes you can create different robot applications. Additionally,
communication between nodes uses a PubSub model where publisher and subscriber exchange information by specifying a
common topic name.

The biggest difference between ROS and ROS 2 is that the DDS (Data Distribution Service) protocol was adopted for
communication, and the library was divided in a hierarchical structure, allowing for the creation of ROS 2 client
libraries in various languages. This has allowed for the creation of a robot application library in Elixir.

For details on ROS 2, see the official [ROS 2 documentation](

## Usage

Currently, the Rclex API allows for the following:

1. The ability to create a large number of publishers sending to the same topic.
2. The ability to create large numbers of each combination of publishers, topics, and subscribers.

Please reference examples [here]( Also note the usage alongside the sample code.

## Recommended Environment

Currently, we use the following environment as the development target:

- Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)
- ROS 2 [Foxy Fitzroy](
  - also work well on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS and [Dashing Diademata](
- Elixir 1.11.2-otp-23
- Erlang/OTP 23.3.1

As an operation test, we check the communication with nodes implemented by [rclcpp]( using [rclex/rclex_connection_tests](

We also run CI in multiple different environments on [GitHub Actions]( 
However, please note that we cannot guarantee the operation of all of these versions due to our limited development resources.

The pre-built Docker images used in CI have published on [Docker Hub](
You can also try the power of Rclex with it easily.

## Installation

`rclex` is [available in Hex](

You can install this package into your project
by adding `rclex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:rclex, "~> 0.5.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs](  
You can find the docs at [](