defmodule RDF.XSD do
@moduledoc """
An implementation of the XML Schema (XSD) datatype system for use within `RDF.Literal.Datatype` system.
It consists of
- `RDF.XSD.Datatype`: a more specialized `RDF.Literal.Datatype` behaviour for XSD datatypes
- `RDF.XSD.Datatype.Primitive`: macros for the definition of `RDF.Literal.Datatype` and
`RDF.XSD.Datatype` implementations for primitive XSD datatypes
- `RDF.XSD.Datatype.Restriction`: macros for the definition of `RDF.Literal.Datatype` and
`RDF.XSD.Datatype` implementations for derived XSD datatypes
- `RDF.XSD.Facet`: a behaviour for XSD facets which can be used to constrain values on
datatype derivations
see <>
import RDF.Utils.Guards
alias __MODULE__
@facets [
@doc """
The list of all XSD facets.
@spec facets() :: Enum.t()
def facets(), do: @facets
@facets_by_name, fn facet -> {, facet} end)
@doc """
Get a `RDF.XSD.Facet` by its name.
def facet(name)
def facet(name) when is_ordinary_atom(name), do: @facets_by_name[to_string(name)]
def facet(name), do: @facets_by_name[name]
@doc """
Returns if the given value is a `RDF.XSD.Datatype` struct or `RDF.Literal` with a `RDF.XSD.Datatype`.
defdelegate datatype?(value), to: RDF.Literal.Datatype.Registry, as: :xsd_datatype?
for datatype <- RDF.Literal.Datatype.Registry.builtin_xsd_datatypes() do
defdelegate unquote(String.to_atom(, to: datatype, as: :new
defdelegate unquote(String.to_atom(, opts), to: datatype, as: :new
elixir_name = Macro.underscore(
unless == elixir_name do
defdelegate unquote(String.to_atom(elixir_name))(value), to: datatype, as: :new
defdelegate unquote(String.to_atom(elixir_name))(value, opts), to: datatype, as: :new
defdelegate datetime(value), to: XSD.DateTime, as: :new
defdelegate datetime(value, opts), to: XSD.DateTime, as: :new
defdelegate unquote(true)(), to: XSD.Boolean.Value
defdelegate unquote(false)(), to: XSD.Boolean.Value