# react_gleam

React bindings for Gleam inspired by [Lustre]( and [ReasonReact](


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import gleam/int
import react_gleam.{render}
import react_gleam/element.{Element, component, div, text}
import react_gleam/hooks.{use_state}
import react_gleam/event.{on_click}

pub fn main() {
  render(app(), "#app")

fn app() -> Element {
      div([], [text("Welcome to Gleam React!")]),
      greet(name: "Joe"),
      counter(count: 6),

fn greet(name name: String) -> Element {
  div([], [text("Hello " <> name <> "!")])

fn counter(count init_count: Int) -> Element {
  use <- component()

  let #(count, set_count) = use_state(init_count)

      div([on_click(fn(_) { set_count(count + 1) })], [text("+")]),
      div([], [text(int.to_string(count))]),
      div([on_click(fn(_) { set_count(count - 1) })], [text("-")]),


## Installation

If available on Hex this package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add react_gleam

yarn add react react-dom