# ReactiveCommons
The purpose of `:reactive_commons` is to provide a set of abstractions and implementations over different patterns and
practices that make the foundation of a reactive microservices' architecture.
Even though the main purpose is to provide such abstractions in a mostly generic way such abstractions would be of
little use without a concrete implementation, so we provide some implementations in a best efforts' manner that aim to
be easy to change, personalize and extend.
The first approach to this work was to release a very simple abstractions, and a corresponding implementation over
asynchronous message driven communication between microservices build on top of amqp for RabbitMQ.
See more about this project at [reactivecommons.org](https://reactivecommons.org/)
## Installation
### Requirements
`elixir ~> 1.10`
### Dependencies
Releases are published at [Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/reactive_commons), the package can be installed by adding
`reactive_commons` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:reactive_commons, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Setup
Add `MessageRuntime` to your applications children passing the `AsyncConfig` parameter struct as arguments.
async_config = AsyncConfig.new("my-app-name")
children = [
{MessageRuntime, async_config},
## Semantic Main Components Definition
There are three semantic structures:
- `DomainEvent`
This structure lets you represent an Event in the system. It accepts a `name`, any `data` that will be the information
to transport for that event (should be JSON serializable), and an optional `message_id`.
- `Command`
Another basic structure is the Command. This structure lets you represent a Command in the system. It accepts a
`name`, any `data` that will be the information to transport for that command (should be JSON serializable), and an
optional `command_id`.
- `AsyncQuery`
Another basic structure is the AsyncQuery. This class lets you represent a Query in the system. It accepts a JSON
serializable called `data` that will be the information for that query and a `resource` name for thw query.
There are three main modules:
- `HandlerRegistry`
- `DomainEventBus`
- `DirectAsyncGateway`
These modules allow the next communication models:
- `DomainEvent` emission through `DomainEventBus` and Event subscription with `HandlerRegistry` from any stakeholder.
- `Command` emission through `DirectAsyncGateway` to a specific application target and handle this command from the
target through `HandlerRegistry`.
- `AsyncQuery` request through `DirectAsyncGateway` to a specific application target and handle this query from the
target through `HandlerRegistry`.
## Usage
This section describes the reactive API for producing and consuming messages using Reactive Commons
1. Sending Domain Events, Commands and Async Queries
1.1. Sending Commands
@command_name "RegisterPerson"
data = Person.new_sample() # any data map
command = Command.new(@command_name, data)
:ok = DirectAsyncGateway.send_command(command, @target) # use any control structure to handle errors
1.2. Sending Async Queries
@query_path "GetPerson"
data = PersonDataReq.new_sample() # any data map
query = AsyncQuery.new(@query_path, data)
{:ok, person} = DirectAsyncGateway.request_reply_wait(query, @target) # use any control structure to handle errors
1.3. Sending Domain Events
@event_name "PersonRegistered"
data = PersonRegistered.new_sample() # any data map
event = DomainEvent.new(@event_name, data)
:ok = DomainEventBus.emit(event) # use any control structure to handle errors {:emit_fail, error}
**See sample project for further details** [Sender](https://github.com/bancolombia/reactive-commons-elixir/blob/main/samples/query-client/lib/query_client/rest_controller.ex)
2. Listening and handling for Domain Events, Commands and Async Queries
defmodule QueryServer.SubsConfig do
use GenServer
@query_name "GetPerson"
@command_name "RegisterPerson"
@event_name "PersonRegistered"
def start_link(_) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
@impl true
def init(_) do
HandlerRegistry.serve_query(@query_name, &get_person/1) # serve a query, should pass query_name and the function which will handle the request.
|> HandlerRegistry.handle_command(@command_name, ®ister_person/1) # listen for a command, should pass command_name and the function which will handle the command.
|> HandlerRegistry.listen_event(@event_name, &person_registered/1) # listen for an event, should pass event_name and the function which will handle the event.
|> HandlerRegistry.commit_config() # finally should commit the config to configure the listeners.
{:ok, nil}
# Sample functions (should be in a separated module)
def get_person(%{} = request) do
IO.puts "Handling async query #{inspect(request)}"
def register_person(%{} = command) do
IO.puts "Handling command #{inspect(command)}"
event = DomainEvent.new(@event_name, PersonRegistered.new_sample(command["data"]))
:ok = DomainEventBus.emit(event)
def person_registered(%{} = event) do
IO.puts "Handling event #{inspect(event)}"
**See sample project for further details** [Receiver](https://github.com/bancolombia/reactive-commons-elixir/blob/main/samples/query-server/lib/query_server/subs_config.ex)