# reactive_signal
A Gleam library for cross-process reactive signal
> This is an experimental library, so breaking changes are actively made
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gleam add reactive_signal
import reactive_signal
pub fn main() {
let new_listener = fn(logger) {
fn(value) { process.send(logger, "Listened:" <> int.to_string(value)) }
let new_app = fn(logger: Subject(String)) {
let #(sig, chn) = signal.new(0)
let #(sig2, chn2) = signal.new(0)
let sig3 = {
use x <- signal.chain(sig)
use y <- signal.chain(sig2)
signal.pure(x + y)
signal.subscribe(sig3, new_listener(logger))
channel.write(chn, 1)
channel.write(chn2, 1)
let logger = process.new_subject()
process.receive(logger, 10)
|> should.equal(Ok("Listened:0"))
process.receive(logger, 10)
|> should.equal(Ok("Listened:1"))
process.receive(logger, 10)
|> should.equal(Ok("Listened:2"))
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/reactive_signal>.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell