# ReadDoc

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Insert ExDoc documentation into files.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `read_doc` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:read_doc, "~> 0.1.0"}

<!-- begin @doc Tasks.ReadDoc -->
## Abstract

Documentation of your project can be extracted into files containing

These markers are

    <!-- begin @doc <ElixirIdentifier> -->

to mark the start of an inserted docstriang and

    <!-- end @doc <ElixirIdentifier> -->

to mark the end thereof.

Right now only `@moduledoc`  and `@doc` strings can be extracted, according to
if `<ElixirIdentifier>` refers to a module or a function.

E.g. if a file (typically ``) contains the following content:

      <!-- begin @doc: My.Module -->
         Some text
      <!-- end @doc: My.Module -->


      mix read_doc

will replace `Some text`
with the moduledoc string of `My.Module`.

## Limitations

- Docstrings for types, macros and callbacks cannot be accessed yet.
- Recursion is not supported, meaning that a docstring containing markers
  will not trigger the inclusion of the docstring indicated by these markers.
<!-- end @doc Tasks.ReadDoc -->

<!-- begin @doc ReadDoc.Options -->
## Usage:

    mix read_doc [options] files...

Each file is scanned for block of lines starting with `<!-- begin @doc...` and 
endifing with `<!-- end @doc...`.
Then the content between two matching lines is replaced with the corresponding docstring.

The following options are implemented

    --silent     no messages emitted to :stderr (defaults to false)
    --keep-copy  a copy of the original input file is kept by appending `.bup<n>` where n runs from 1 to the
                 next available number for which no copy exists yet (defaults to false)
    --fix-errors defaults to true! (deactivate via --no-fix-errors), and closing `<!-- end @doc...` lines
                 with no matching `<!-- begin @doc...` are removed from the input
    --begin-trigger defaults to `"\A \s* <!-- \s+ begin \s @doc \s ([\w.?!]+) \s+ --> \s* \z"`.
                    This values is interpreted as an extended regex indicating the begin of a docstring block, where
                    the first capture defines the module/function of the docstring
    --end-trigger defaults to `"\A \s* <!-- \s+ end \s @doc \s ([\w.?!]+) \s+ --> \s* \z"`.
                    This values is interpreted as an extended regex indicating the end of a docstring block, where
                    the first capture defines the module/function of the docstring
<!-- end @doc ReadDoc.Options -->

Docs at [](

## Author

Copyright © 2018 Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers

Robert Dober,


Same as Elixir, which is Apache License v2.0. Please refer to [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.