# Realbook

You... rather dislike Ansible.  And wish there were a simple, imperative DSL
that did all the things that Ansible doesn't do.  The code you write should be
explicit, variables should be tracked, easily inspected, and it should be in
a turing-complete language.

This is the package for you.

## Usage

1. You must set the directory that contains your Realbook scripts:

  Application.put_env(:realbook, :script_dir, "scripts/")

2. In your scripts directory, write your scripts as `.exs` files, for example
  into `example.exs`:

  verify do
    run! "test -f /tmp/foo"

  play do
    run! "touch /tmp/foo"

3. Connect to your server.
  Realbook.connect(:ssh, host: "my_host_name", user: "my_user_name")

4. Run it!


For further information, check the `Guides` section of the documentation.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `realbook` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:realbook, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be found at [](