#ASN.1 compiler plugin for Rebar3

Plugin for compiling ASN.1 definitions with Rebar3.


Add plugin to your project `rebar.config` file.

    {plugins, [
        { rebar3_asn1_compiler, "1.0.0"}


Define ASN.1 compiler options in `rebar.config` and add output directory to Erlang source directories. 
Supported options are listed at [ASN.1 compiler documentation]( 
In addition, `{asndir, "asn1"}` can be used for defining the directory containing
the ASN.1 modules. The default options are `[{asndir, "asn1"}, {outdir, "asn1_gen"}, noobj]`.

    {asn1_opts, [{outdir, "asn1_gen"}, uper]}.
    {src_dirs, ["src", "asn1_gen"]}.

Additionally, plugin can be hooked into standard `compile` and `clean` commands.

    {provider_hooks, [
          [{clean,   {asn1, clean}},
           {compile, {asn1, compile}}]}

Stand-alone `compile` and `clean` commands are defined in `asn1` namespace

    rebar3 asn1 compile
    rebar3 asn1 clean


Feel free to send pull requests, feature requests or issue reports.
