# rebar3_depup
## Dependency updater for rebar3 managed projects

![Cinderella Upgrade](

## Usage

Add the plugin to your rebar.config:

{project_plugins, [rebar3_depup]}

You can add it to your _global `rebar.config`_ (e.g. `~/.config/rebar3/rebar.config`).


$ rebar3 update-deps

### ⚠️ Warning ⚠️
With the default options (see below), this project assumes that…
1. You have `rebar.config` file in your root folder
1. You do not use a `rebar.config.script`
1. The current OS user has access to the git repos that you have in your `rebar.config` file.

### Command-Line Options

$ rebar3 help update-deps

A rebar plugin to update dependencies
Usage: rebar3 update-deps [-r [<replace>]] [-c [<rebar_config>]]
                          [-a [<update_approx>]] [-d [<just_deps>]]
                          [-p [<just_plugins>]] [-h [<just_hex>]]

  -r, --replace        Directly replace values in rebar.config. The
                       default is to just show you what deps can be
                       updated because this is an experimental feature and
                       using it can mess up your formatting and comments.
                       [default: false]
  -c, --rebar-config   File to analyze [default: rebar.config]
  -a, --update-approx  Update requirements starting with '~>' as well as
                       the ones with a specific version. [default: true]
  -d, --just-deps      Only update deps (i.e. ignore plugins and
                       project_plugins). [default: false]
  -p, --just-plugins   Only update plugins and project_plugins (i.e.
                       ignore deps). [default: false]
  -h, --just-hex       Only update hex packages, ignore git repos.
                       [default: false]

## Build

$ rebar3 compile

## Test

$ rebar3 test