
Generates nice looking documentation


    $ rebar3 compile


Add the plugin to your rebar config:

    {plugins, [
        {rebar3_docs, {git, "", {tag, "0.1.0"}}}

Then just call your plugin directly in an existing application:

    $ rebar3 docs
    ===> Fetching rebar3_docs
    ===> Compiling rebar3_docs
    <Plugin Output>


This plugin provides some configuration options by adding a `{docs,
Options}` entry to the project's `rebar.config`.

Available options:

- `categories`: list of category name with the modules that belong to
  them. This information is used to create sections in the navigation
  menu. When a module is not included in any category it is added at
  the beginning of the modules list in the navigation menu.

  { categories
  , [ {"Name1", [module1, module2]}
    , {"Name2", [module3]}


Useful links

- [docsh - Documentationi in the Erlang shell](
- [HTML+JS Sidenav How To](
- [Erlang Ecosystem Foundation - Documentation Working Group](
- [edown - edoc to markdown](