# rebar3_external

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A rebar3 plugin to get external dependencies.

## How to use

Add the plugin to the rebar3.config file:

{plugins, [rebar3_external]}.

Next, define some external dependencies that your project will fetch:

{deps, [
    % Download external dependency from HTTP URL
            {http, "",
                {md5, "213b6324b7790d25f5368629540a172c"}},
            "c_src", [
                {description, "Google's Snappy compression library"},
                {vsn, "1.1.9"}
    % Clone external dependency from git a repository
        {external, {git, "", {tag, "2.0.38"}}, "c_src", [
            {description, "leveldb: A key-value store"},
            {vsn, "2.0.38"}

It is possible to declare two types of external dependencies:

 * An external HTTP(s) URL pointing to a package file like `tar.gz`, `tar.bz2`, `tar.xz`. It is mandatory to specify a checksum hex digest which
 could be a md5 or sha256
 * A git repository where is possible to use the same git syntax when [declaring a git rebar3](

For both declaration, it is also necessary to add two extra information like:

 * The destination folder, where the external resource will be fetched. It could be a folder like `c_src` or any other.
 However, it is important to note that your custom makefiles should point to the same folder later
 * A property list having `description` and `vsn` properties specifying a small description and its version  

Also, it is necessary to define some hooks for _compile_ and _clean_. Usually here is where your Makefile is going to be

{pre_hooks, [{compile, "make -C c_src compile"}]}.

{post_hooks, [{clean, "make -C c_src clean"}]}.

That is all the rebar3 configuration needed. The next step is to change the c_src/Makefile (or whatever you are using as build tool)
to use the fetched source code. By default rebar3 exports an environment variable called: _REBAR_DEPS_DIR_ and it has the full path
to the dependency folder with the current profile being used. So, in the Makefile we have to use that variable like the following:

LEVELDB_SRC := $(REBAR_DEPS_DIR)/leveldb/c_src

That way the Makefile will include the correct path.

It's done. Now your project is ready to fetch external dependencies. And all rebar3 commands should
work as expected:

  * `rebar3 get-deps`
  * `rebar3 compile`
  * `rebar3 clean`
  * `rebar3 tree`

## How does it work ?

This plugin is a follow up for [Implement hooks for get-deps commands](
The intend is to provide a plugin which fetches external dependency (non OTP like dependency, like a library in C for example); so
a project can declare any external dependency and get them fetched. For each dependency the plugins creates a
"fake" OTP application layout, that is, writing an into `src` folder. That way rebar3 "thinks" that the
dependency is a real one (this idea is not new and I got it from plugins like [rebar_raw_resosurce](

For example, if you declare a dependency such as:

{deps, [
            {http, "",
                {md5, "213b6324b7790d25f5368629540a172c"}},
            "c_src", [
                {description, "Google's Snappy compression library"},
                {vsn, "1.1.9"}

Then, this plugin downloads the snappy source code from github's URL and unpack it into `_build/default/lib/snappy/c_src` folder. Also
it stores the download file into `_build/default/lib/snappy/1.1.9.tar.gz`. _description_  and _vsn_ are used to write
a "fake" .app.src into `_build/default/lib/snappy/src/`. Moreover, the plugin also stores the downloaded package checksum into a file
`_build/default/lib/snappy/1.1.9.tar.gz.checksum`, that is necessary only for `http` resources.

It's important to note that the plugins does the full rebar3 dependency management, including updating the `rebar.lock` file.

The basic idea is to provide better external (non OTP dependency) for projects that needs to interface with languages like C, C++, Rust, ...

Please, check out the [rebar3_external_example]( to check full working example.

## Sparse-feature

Sometimes we would like to get partial data from a repository. 
In order to implement this we can use the sparse-checkout functionality from git.

### Example
{deps, [
    % Clone external dependency from git a repository - but only get a subfolder
        {external, {git, "", {branch, "master"}}, "definitions", [
            {description, "freedict: definitions"},
            {vsn, "2.0.18"},

You can add multiple sparse-statements, the first one will be converted into a sparse-checkout set-command,
all others will be a add-command. This will make sure that only the defined data is pulled in.

After running 'rebar3 get-deps' - you can observe what data was pulled in:

$ find _build/default/lib/freedict/definitions | grep -v git



### Links


## License

Release under [Apache License 2.0](

Parts of [src/rebar_external_resource.erl](src/rebar_external_resource.erl) was based on [rebar_raw_resource](