Rebar3 gpb plugin

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A rebar3 plugin for automatically compiling .proto files using the gpb protobuf compiler


    $ rebar3 compile


Add the plugin to your rebar config:

    {erl_opts, [{i, "./_build/default/plugins/gpb/include"}]}.

    {plugins, [
        { rebar3_gpb_plugin, "1.3.3" }

Configure gpb options (example below), full list can consulted on [gpb's project page]( [gpb_compile:file/2](

    {gpb_opts, [
        {i, "path/to/proto_dir"},
        {module_name_suffix, "_pb"},
        {o_erl, "path/to/out_src"},
        {o_hrl, "path/to/out_include"},
        {strings_as_binaries, true},

The `i`, `o_erl` and `o_hrl` option values are relative to the app's location.
Default values are:
    * `{i, "proto"}`
    * `{o_erl, "src"}`
    * `{o_hrl, "include"}`

Add the gpb include path (environment tipically is default):

    {erl_opts, [{i, "./_build/<environment>/plugins/gpb/include"}]}.

Add a hook to automatically generate modules for your protobuf files and clean them afterwards:

    {provider_hooks, [
        {pre, [
            {compile, {protobuf, compile}},
            {clean, {protobuf, clean}}