%%% @doc Behavior for defining a rule for Hank.
-type t() :: module().
-type asts() :: [{file:filename(), erl_syntax:forms()}].
-type result() ::
#{file := file:filename(),
line := non_neg_integer(),
text := iodata(),
rule => t(),
pattern => ignore_pattern()}.
-type ignore_pattern() :: undefined | tuple().
-type ignore_spec() :: {file:filename(), t() | all} | {file:filename(), t(), term()}.
-export_type([t/0, asts/0, result/0, ignore_pattern/0, ignore_spec/0]).
-callback analyze(asts(), hank_context:t()) -> [result()].
-callback ignored(ignore_pattern(), term()) -> boolean().
%% @doc The list of default rules to apply
-spec default_rules() -> [].
default_rules() ->
|| File
<- filelib:wildcard(
filename:join([code:lib_dir(rebar3_hank), "**/*.beam"])),
Module <- [list_to_atom(filename:basename(File, ".beam"))],
{behaviour, Behaviours} <- Module:module_info(attributes),
lists:member(?MODULE, Behaviours)].
%% @doc Analyze the given files with the rule.
-spec analyze(t(), asts(), hank_context:t()) -> [result()].
analyze(Rule, ASTs, Context) ->
[Result#{rule => Rule} || Result <- Rule:analyze(ASTs, Context)]
_:Error:Stack ->
logger:error("~p:analyze/3 failed with Error ~p \nStack: ~p", [Rule, Error, Stack]),
%% @doc Check if given rule should be ignored from results
-spec is_ignored(t(), ignore_pattern(), all | term()) -> boolean().
is_ignored(Rule, Pattern, IgnoreSpec) ->
IgnoreSpec =:= all orelse Rule:ignored(Pattern, IgnoreSpec).